Take a look at what the chapters in ND are doing this month!


We held an officer meeting in the middle of September to go over our next all member meeting. We planned to discuss chapter dues, t-shirts, and give a presentation on professional dress. Unfortunately, our high school had to close for two weeks due to COVID, so we were unable to have our all member meeting in person. Mrs. Skytland and officer team reached out to members to inform them of upcoming events and dues. Our officer signed up for Learn to Lead and continued to work on Super Sweeps.


Divide County:

Covid has brought some challenges to the Divide County annual football and volleyball concessions. We weren’t allowed to have any concessions at the opening season home football game. By the second game and the first volleyball game, concessions were back to as they have been in the past.

 Our chapter held a clothing drive during September. Having no idea how supportive the community was going to be, there were clothes brought in daily with some having never been worn, with the tags still on the clothing. There was an overwhelming response to this project; as people brought clothing and/or took clothing. With the abundance of clothing that remained, we decided to donate the “new” clothing to the domestic violence center in Minot, the local Good Samaritan Center, and two other organizations that called us. Needless to say, this clothing drive was very successful.

 Our annual fall fundraiser took place during September, October 9 through 30. Although most members did not go door to door to sell, the fundraiser was successful.

 Members have begun working on the BAAs ,CSAs as well as the chapter recognition program Super Sweeps, and the StockMarket Game.



Our chapter got off to a late start this year because due to the uncertainty with Covid-19.  We needed to address new issues such as IF we could meet in person, and where would we meet that would be spacious enough to allow for social distancing.  We were not able to hold our election last year and had to decide what the process would be for this year.  A motion was made and approved to continue with the same officers this year in an effort to keep some normalcy.

 The membership drive was completed in the same way, with announcements, posters, and an informational meeting.  The new members were given time to review the Program of Work for the year, and we will be voting on that at our October meeting.

Grand Forks Central:

Our chapter got off to a late start this year because due to the uncertainty with Covid-19.  We needed to address new issues such as IF we could meet in person, and where would we meet that would be spacious enough to allow for social distancing.  We were not able to hold our election last year and had to decide what the process would be for this year.  A motion was made and approved to continue with the same officers this year in an effort to keep some normalcy.

 The membership drive was completed in the same way, with announcements, posters, and an informational meeting.  The new members were given time to review the Program of Work for the year, and we will be voting on that at our October meeting.



This month our chapter held several meeting to discuss our dress up days, fundraisers, and concessions. These meetings allowed us to establish dates in which to have these activities. Because of our schools recent co-op with a neighboring school we had to sit down with the Superintendent to discuss what concession dates our program would get.

 We also signed up for the Learn to Lead Conference which will be held later this month. But because of COVID it will be online, still, our officers are excited to attend online. Lastly, our chapter held a membership drive, where we were introduced to new incoming officers and members.



Chapter officers met to determine the events for September.  A presentation was made to all students in Grade 7.  Our officers prepared a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the role FBLA plays in our school and community.  Officers answered questions and informed students in Grade 7 on the importance of becoming involved at an early age. Chapter officers held a Business Achievement Award meeting for all new FBLA members.  Officers assisted the new members with the process for selecting their BAA tasks and the completion of some of their tasks. Our Chapter has started a monthly newsletter to keep members, school and community informed about FBLA.  Important dates, projects and membership are included.

 A new idea this year is to promote FBLA through monthly drawings for gift cards.  Door prize tickets are distributed to all students and staff as they enter our building.  Drawings are made twice a day.  This simple event adds a little extra excitement!


May-Port CG:

On Monday, September 28th, the May-Port CG FBLA chapter held their kick off meeting during morning homeroom time.  There were 65 prospective members in attendance.  Because of the circumstances surrounding the year, we discussed possibilities for projects and what our year could look like.  We closed out the meeting with some door prizes!



We had our first meeting in September. At the time we had 5 members. Those 5 members are our officer team. We decided to plan a recruitment drive because we wanted to boost our numbers. We hosted our recruitment drive on Sep. 9. The theme was “FBLA’s fishing for leaders.” We handed out goldfish and taught people about FBLA. At our next meeting, Sep. 16th we had 13 attendees. We handed out a list of events and talked about t-shirt designs. We passed out a contract to sign and announced a time for dues to be turned in. Our last meeting was on the 30th and we have 10 committed members!! They turned in dues and payment for t-shirt orders and we planned a BAA work night. At the work night we will introduce the first year members to the website and get them started. We plan to do this once every two weeks until state conference. We also have plans to start our volunteer hours.



Our chapter held their first monthly meeting on September 3. It was decided that we would meet during Advisory period the first Thursday of each month in Mrs. Evensvold’s classroom. We started about a week later than normal to make sure we were following our school’s new meeting procedures because of COVID. Even though the big “C” word may change how we do things, we were still incredibly active this month. Our first meeting was for new members. Our officers went over the benefits of FBLA and Mrs. Evensvold went over what to expect for this year in FBLA. Meeting attendees then competed in a marshmallow and spaghetti stick building challenge. The winning team won the rest of the marshmallows which was apparently a huge prize.

Our members worked on Super Sweep activities this month. We have bulletin boards and posters hanging up at school. We’ve created a podcast and marketing plan. Our officers are active on school councils promoting for our organization. At the end of the month on September 27th, we had our first FBLA Bowling party. This was held at the bowling alley in Stanley. All current and possible new members were invited for free pizza and bowling.

Select FBLA members toured the American Bank Center in Stanley on October 30th. Members were given a behind-the-scenes look at the bank and also a personal group meeting with their loan officers. Members learned about careers in banking and the importance of their credit scores

To finish off the month, members started selling Little Caesars Pizzas. We planned on doing two concessions this month, but they were moved because of construction around our football field and then because most of our members were quarantined due to COVID.


Thank you to all of the Chapter’s who submitted their news!