take a look at what the chapters in
NORTH DAKOTA are doing this month!


Our FBLA Chapter has participated in a lot of activities for the month of October. October 8th and 9th we traveled to Bismarck for the Fall Leadership Conference. We learned a lot about being a good leader and had one of our students tell his personal story about the American Heart Association. This month we sold 50/50 tickets at every home football and volleyball game. We used one volleyball game to give the proceeds to a family who has done a lot for out chapter and is going through a hard time. During this month, we sold pizza, soup, and dessert to our community as a fundraiser. We also sold “Boo Grams” which are suckers that each student can buy for other students. These fundraiser help our Chapter raise a lot of money so we are able to attend our conferences.



In the month of October we held a chapter meeting at a local business with our Middle School chapter where our local officers talked about what they learned at FLC. This month we also had a professional dress day with a great turnout!

Burke Central:

October was a busy month for our FBLA chapter. We held our first fundraiser which was selling pizzas. We sold 770 pizzas! We also had a blood drive scheduled in October but it was postponed due to the weather. We are busy working on selecting our events for state competition and also in completing our LifeSmarts tests. We are participating in the fall stock market game and enjoy learning all about the stock market.



The month of October was busy for our chapter – we paid all our membership dues, ordered our chapter tshirts, held candy sales, and worked on our Champion Chapter activities. At our all member meeting, we held our new member induction. We are excited for our new members to experience FBLA! At our meeting, we also did an ice breaker with our members that we learned at FLC – we paired up new members with existing members and had them ask each other four questions, then share with everyone. We briefly went over state competitive events to get members thinking about what events they are interested competing in. Our member of the month was Isaiah Richter. Lastly, our members teamed up with NHS to put together Trunk n Treat bags for our local public health to give away to trick-or-treaters!


Central Valley:

In October, our chapter brought 12 members to the fall leadership in Bismarck. At the conference our members gained important information by attending workshops and listening to the speaker. We also continued to work on the tasks to complete Shaping Success. Our leadership team also introduced BAAs to the rest of the chapter and taught them how to access and complete them. We also set a date to have BAAs completed.


Des Lacs-Burlington:

This month, we hosted a Pink Night baked good silent auction on the Pink Night for our girls volleyball game. We had tons of people donate 2 dozen baked goods each and we had papers around all of them for a silent auction. It is not a normal silent auction but we thought it was a very creative idea to raise money for breast cancer awareness! It was a very successful turnout. Every batch of baked goods were sold and we made a total of $1,043! We donated $250 to breast cancer awareness!



On October 2nd, the Drake-Anamoose chapter had their monthly meeting to discuss what they were going to do that month and what they will need to get done. They also planned their next meeting. Then during the month of October they ran their sports concessions during volleyball games to fundraise for SLC. They also kept their coffee shop open to fundraise. They created new monthly specials for November to get business to keep booming.

Our chapter went to the Fall Leadership Conference and learned how to listen and interact. The members also went to workshops of their choosing to learn more about the specific topics. While up for the conference, our chapter took part in a chapter bonding activity at a pumpkin patch as well as taking part in a chapter meeting after the first night of the conference to make sure we all consumed the information given to us. At the conference, one of our members won the GooseChase competition. The winner from our chapter was Kallen Lowe.

For the month of September our chapter adviser, Mrs. Joan Birdsell, won the North Dakota Adviser of the Month. And we selected a member from our chapter to be local chapter member of the month to promote activity. The winner was Evelynn Isaac.

The chapter had articles featured in the local newspapers about their activities and what they plan to do for the next months. The officer team also planned an officer meeting to plan the rest of the monthly meeting and the Market Day event that is coming up in a few weeks.

The chapter also had their officer team go to a cybersecurity competition at MSU. They competed against 12 other schools and Kara Koblentz placed 3rd in her accounting competition.

Our chapter President and adviser planned a job shadow for our members to go to the Capital in Bismarck. The members will get to talk to employees in specific job titles to see what career paths interest them and what they can expect.

To end the month off the Drake-Anamoose chapter had a monthly meeting on November 2nd to finalize plans for the Market Day event as well as get our members started on BAA’s that will help them prepare for State Leadership Conference.

Drake-Anamoose Middle School:

The Drake-Anamoose Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter started the month with a meeting on October 2, 2023. At the meeting they discussed officer positions, Fall Leadership Conference, Market Day, and how to properly price items for profit.

On October 8th-9th we went to Bismarck to attend the Fall Leadership Conference. During this event, the members had time to network with others around the state. The members that attended enjoyed the activities whether it was the workshops, swimming, Goosechase, or listening to the speaker.


October was a busy month for our FBLA Members. In addition to our annual “Spook-O-Gram” fundraiser, we decided to hold a Halloween Carnival to give trick-and-treaters another activity to enjoy. The plan was to hold it outside if the weather was nice, but also have the ability to set up in the school if necessary. Our members planned out several activities, along with concessions, and went about procuring the items necessary. The activity was such a hit that we ran out of prizes and had to shut down early. This was a learning experience for next year when we hope to be more prepared. Out of our 29 members, 24 of them were able to participate in this event.


Glen Ullin:

In October, we had a chapter meeting and officer training. During our officer training, we learned all about our roles of being an FBLA officer. We attended the Fall Leadership Conference in Bismarck. We only took our officers to this conference. Our chapter continues to play the Virtual Business Challenge and LifeSmarts programs. We also hosted the quarter celebration for our school. This quarter celebration was planned and put on by our chapter. We picked out the theme and all the prizes. We delivered our butterbraids from our September fundraiser. We are continuing to play the Stock Market Game and we hope to finish strong! Finally, we participated in a celebration of FBLA day. Our members all wore blue or gold or FBLA chapter shirts.



Hatton/Northwood took 8 members to the Fall Leadership Conference. We sold approximately 500 lollipops and a portion of this money goes for our fundraiser for the American Heart Association. We had our monthly meetings and officer’s meetings.

We had a guest speaker come and talk to our school about our Project Awareness for Helping Hands Food Pantry. We have a grant agreement with Thrivent if you donate 500 items they will donate $500 for the Food Pantry. We are also reaching out to the community for help to collect 500 items. We have secured our fundraiser for the year of selling pizzas. Working on our Shaping for Success and Go for ND Gold. Working on Project Awareness, Partnership with a Business, Business Financial Project, Scrapbook. We had a Spirit Day on October 17. We have several members who have started their BAAs. Members have been busy taking Business Battle tests. We have 11 teams that are currently playing the Stock Market Game. At the end of October, we have 2 in the top ten. We have provided all members with the Competitive Events to look over. Members have been busy working on Shaping for Success and we have one left to complete.


During October, we attended the Fall Conference on the 8th and 9th. We all had a blast and look forward to going each year! Patty Hendrickson really impressed me. I thought she was a very good speaker, and described her points well. We had a pumpkin carving activity and ate pizza on the 10th – FBLA, FCCLA, and FFA were all involved. On the 14th, we had the option to go to the Haunted Fort at Fort Lincoln in Mandan. This was anyone who was in FBLA, FCCLA, and FFA who wanted to go. It was a fun opportunity and hope we keep going every year. We had our monthly meeting on the 16th and since then, have gotten more members to join.


During the month of October Hillsboro FBLA stayed busy! We had several work nights where members worked on BAAs, individual events, and researched presentation events they could do for State Leadership Conference. We also had a chapter meeting where we discussed proper business attire. Our officer team also attended the Fall Leadership Conference in Bismarck in early October. The team had a great time and had a great meeting during our allotted chapter meeting. Our officers are also working hard to send up a Halloween dance that will take place on November 4th!


Our chapter had a very busy month. We started off the month by sending our officers to the Fall Leadership Conference in Bismarck, North Dakota. There our officers listened to a keynote speaker, attended workshops, and met FBLA students from around the state. This month our chapter sold pink ice cream to raise money for the Altru Cancer Center for Breast Cancer Awareness. Our chapter raised $300 to put towards this cause. We held a pumpkin painting contest where a student from each grade painted a pumpkin. The pumpkins were voted on by our CTE committee. The top three winners were awarded prizes. Our members held a pumpkin weight guessing contest during lunch one week. Students in our school guessed how much the pumpkins weighed and the closest guessers won Halloween prizes. One morning before classes began our chapter held a Halloween bingo. Our chapter reached out to a desktop publishing class to design the cards for us. Student had fun making the cards and then playing bingo. On Halloween we handed out a raffle tickets to our students and staff. Throughout the day we drew tickets for prizes. We held a high school chapter meeting regarding the BAA. To attend state each of our members must complete a level of their BAA. During the meeting our officer team and advisor helped students navigate the website and sign into their connect accounts. Our adviser awarded a high school member and a middle school member as our chapter’s members the month. We awarded them each a certificate and gift card for their dedication and hard work. This gives our members some incentive to work hard and stay involved.


FBLA members participated in a community service project called Trick or Treat for Canned Goods. Fundraising committee was busy putting together two fundraisers that will kick off in November. Community service committee is planning a large event for November and December. October 24th was FBLA Spirit Day and our Buddy Up! event where students played FBLA trivia and learned more about Business Achievement Awards.


The Mott-Regent chapter had an eventful October. We had a meeting prior to attending FLC to discuss schedules, what to expect, and possible chapter bonding ideas. On October 8-9th, eleven members attended FLC. All eleven attendees, along with our adviser, enjoyed hearing from guest speaker Patty Hendrickson, attending workshops, discovering the career fair, and networking with other chapters! The speakers and the demonstrators were nothing short of awesome! FLC is something that we look forward to each year; and this year did not disappoint. Another fun activity that has kept Mott-Regent FBLA busy is selling Little Caesar’s pizza & cookie kits as our annual fundraiser. We are looking forward to deliveries later in November.



Nedrose FBLA kicked off the month of October with Chapter Officers attending the State Leadership Conference at Bismarck. We enjoyed time spent together as a chapter officer team. The time provided us an opportunity to learn about new updates and ideas for the upcoming school year. October has also allowed us the chance to fundraise for our chapter by having members volunteer to work two different volleyball games, both were very successful. We also began selling World’s Finest Chocolate in which we are off to a great start. The beginning of October we also completed the CTE Vision Visit, in which it was great to have Ms. DeVaal as well as Mrs. Evansvold share with students the benefits of joining FBLA. Recruitment continues as we are currently at 19 paid members and 6 more planning to join for a total of 25. Middle of October we were able to have Mary Reiser from the American Heart Association drop by for a visit. She provided some great insight on the organization and it’s mission and also gave us some great ideas on how we can help support the AHA. The end of the month brought a chapter work day where members worked on BAAs, Student Challenges, Champion Chapter Activities, and Business Battle tests. We plan to complete all Champion Chapter Shaping Success activities and have already started completing activities for Service Season.


Powers lake:

During the month of October our chapter hosted a powder puff football game. The girls who are apart of FBLA signed up and played against each other. The boys who are apart of FBLA were coaches and refs. We had free will donation, food, and drinks. All proceeds we made from the game we donated to the family of the 7th grader in our school who is battling cancer.


This month, our chapter did chuck a duck, breast cancer awareness ribbons, pumpkin decorating night, and we continued to sell our chocolates and our jerky. This month was also the North Dakota Fall Leadership trip in Bismarck. We only had the officers come to Fall Leadership and while we were there we went to SkyZone, Applebees, we went swimming at our hotel, we went to the conference, and before we came home we went to Pizza Ranch.


Shiloh Christian:

Our officers attended the annual Fall Leadership Conference. They had a lot of fun meeting new people and getting great ideas. We also had our first meeting. We have around 30 high schoolers in our chapter and considering this is our school’s first year, we are ecstatic! We have each met with our adviser and figured out what events we want to do. That is basically everything our chapter has done this month. We are excited to see what this year holds.



Stanley FBLA started out the month of October with a fun chapter outing to the Pumpkin Patch. Members had to sign up for this by the Wednesday before October 1 to attend. The chapter paid for admission to the park and members had to pay for whatever they wanted to eat and drink. Members worked on their stock market portfolios this month and experienced the highs and lows of the stock market. Members also competed in the Business Battle and completed the events for Shaping Success. Twenty members from Stanley attended the State Fall Leadership Conference in Bismarck on October 8-9. Our State Social Media Coordinator, Ian Conard, helped lead this conference as well as a session about communication. Members enjoyed free time at the mall before the conference and pizza after the session on Sunday. Stanley FBLA hosted our first mini Spirit Week October 16-18. Monday started with a “buddy up” event. Members could bring a friend to Mrs. Evensvold’s classroom after lunch for ice cream. Tuesday was professional dress day. Members who dressed up won prizes for participating in this event. Wednesday was spirit day and members played BINGO before school in Mrs. Evensvold’s room to win popcorn. This was a great event and something we plan to do every year. FBLA helped with a community service event at the end of the month. Members helped set up for the Fall Festival at the fair building Monday morning on October 30th. Members served over 300 free lemonades during the event on Halloween. This was a huge community event with over 1,000 people attending.


Thank you to all of the Chapters who submitted their news!