Take a look at what the chapters in ND are doing this month!


2020 has been a very different and challenging year for everyone. Our chapter is learning to think outside of the box and trying to change and adapt our usual community service and fundraising plans to work with the pandemic situation and regulations. During October we held two of our annual fundraisers, but each looked slightly different than usual. We joined forces with our local FFA chapter and sold fruit and frozen pizza. We set up online ordering for community members to use in place of door-to-door sales. Also, during October within our school we sold “Boo-Gram” candy suckers. However, instead of selling these face to face in the lobby, we altered the purchasing step in order to be socially distant.

We had 3 of our officer team attend the virtual Learn to Lead event in October also. What a great way to provide the students continued opportunity to gain leadership skills and a chance to engage with one another despite the current pandemic circumstance.

We are excited for November and the chance to once again think outside the box. One of our biggest events of the year used to be “Santa Days” a carnival for kids the Saturday following Thanksgiving. We of course will not be able to hold that this year, but plans are already in motion for an alternative community service, and also fundraising, Christmas opportunity. Stay tuned for next month to see how our altered plans unfolded!

In the month of October, we had a professional dress day on October 8th. We have also started a couple fundraisers including selling Country Meats Jerky and selling school apparel. Our chapter had 15 members attend the virtual Fall Conference this year, including all of our officers! Some of our members are getting started with their BAA’s and we are currently working on our Go For Gold activities.

We started the month collecting chapter dues and ordering the member T-shirts that our officers created. Our chapter worked hard at completing our Super Sweeps Chapter Challenge activities. We held an officer meeting and an all-member meeting. At this meeting, we had members “like” our new Carrington FBLA Facebook page, sign up to help paint our candy cart we use at home sporting events, and went over the American Hearts Association fundraiser. We ended our month putting on a pumpkin carving challenge for our community. We had people upload pictures of their pumpkins and offered to prize the winners!
Divide County:
October began with the chapter placing their pizza and popcorn orders and several football and volleyball concessions. We began having BAA work nights. The March of Dimes and American Heart Association committees met to plan their upcoming activities for the year. Twenty–seven members attended the Virtual FLC. Super Sweeps was submitted and members have been working on LifeSmarts, the Stock Market Game, and the VBCs.

In October we held two general membership meetings and two Officer meetings. One of our officer meetings had two officers participating via Zoom. Several of our members participated in a virtual tour of BSC;s CyberSecurity program on October 16. Our officers attended Learn to Lead on October 17 and enjoyed the song writing session. Two of them especially enjoyed meeting new people in the breakout rooms. Members have also been working on their BAAs. membership recruitment, and planning for pizza sales.

Grand Forks Central:
This month, our chapter focused on growth, hoping for more high quality members, much like what we did in September. Due to our challenge of having a hybrid learning system, not very many people showed up to our first informational meeting, thus not gaining us very many new members. Our officers got together and created a plan for how we were going to incentivize new people to show up to the meeting while still bringing in quality members. What was decided, and put into action, was to reach out to teachers who teach a subject that corresponds with one or more FBLA competitive events, and ask them to refer students in their class who they believe would make a positive impact for our chapter. For example, we reached out to GFC’s Graphic Arts teacher, and some English teachers, just to name a few. After we received these names from these teachers, we sent out letters to all these kids with a request for them to attend our meeting in early November. Another thing we did to help convince new/ returning members to attend this meeting was to promise free snacks and soda for anyone who showed up and took forms. We are confident that our efforts throughout the month will make for a positive turn out to our meeting!

We had our second meeting and had 5-7 new members in our chapter.

Members have been busy adding stocks to the Stock Market Game and we have 5 Teams.

We have registered and attended the Fall Leadership Virtual Conference where 10 attended either virtual. Our plans were to have a pizza party but due to unforseen circumstances, we were not allowed to have it.

About 5 members have started members working on BAAs.

We registered and started Life Smarts where we have 5 teams we pair up new members with the members that have already been in FBLA.

We completed the Super Sweeps and submitted it for Nationals.

We held concessions for a football game and some of the money we raised goes to the March of Dimes.

Started to work on our Community service project.

The students did a Spirit Day in October for Super Sweeps.

Members have been working on Non-Stop November events and letting members know about them.

Our Chapter has managed the Fall Concessions Stands for home volleyball, football and Girls Basketball for Grades 5 and 6. We have limited items that can be sold at the home events. The audience is also limited so our fundraising from concessions will be drastically reduced this year.

FBLA sponsored a free Rootbeer Float Day! Rootbeer Floats were served by FBLA members to all staff and students. We worked with the new members to demonstrate how easy it is to get involved in Chapter Activities.

Our Chapter has two ongoing projects: updating the electronic records for Bellevue Cemetery and scanning records for the Larimore Museum. These projects will continue in the future.

The first thing we did this month was have a BAA work night on October 4th. We ordered pizza and had snacks. We set everyone up and got all the newbies started on their activities. The president worked on, and completed Super Sweeps. On October 8th, we had our first volunteer activity. We took six of our members to the local Minot Blessing Bank. There, we stocked and organized shelves. We also got to learn how to pack orders! Next, we had our first meeting of the month on October 14th. We got everyone signed up to attend virtual FLC and brainstormed fundraising and volunteering ideas. On Saturday October 17th, we all came into the school to participate in FLC as a chapter. We brought donuts and fruit for breakfast and pizza again for lunch. Everyone had a good time. After the conference was over, we stayed to work on BAAs, and used it as our second work night. We had to cancel our meeting set for the 28th because the president and many other members were quarantined because of the pandemic. We rescheduled for Wednesday, November 4th.

In the month of October we finally got our chapter t-shirts and completed the chapter challenge “super sweeps”. Our adviser Kyla Grandy was also the adviser of the month!

Stanley FBLA’s chapter held their first fundraiser this month. Members sold Little Caesars pizzas and profited over $1,000. Members continued to work on their BAAs and class activities. Members attended an online BSC tour of their Cyber Security program and participated in the Stock Market Challenge. Officers attended the Virtual FLC and were each given a FBLA face mask. The end of the month was spent preparing for Non-Stop November. With a lot of COVID absences during this month, we are looking forward to a busy November.

Strasburg Chapter members participated in the virtual Fall Leadership Conference. Members finalized plans for a community service project to take place in mid-November, planned a business dress-up day to coordinate with American Enterprise Day and made plans to hold a bake sale fundraiser as part of our community Santa Day in early December. The Chapter participated in this even last year and it was a great success, selling out of all items.

During the month of October, Tioga FBLA members were busy with multiple activities.

On October 3rd, we put on a Powderpuff Flag Football event as a fundraiser. The players consisted of students and adults from the community. We were happy with the support we had from the community and fun was had by everyone involved.

On October 28th, we had a membership recruitment/retainment drive, in an effort to teach students more about what FBLA is and how it can benefit them. At our October 28th meeting, we also had members start picking out their State events.

Finally, we are also proud to say that we completed the Super Sweeps Challenge, during the month of October.

The month of October found the Wishek FBLA Chapter meeting and getting ready for Learn to Lead. 7 members were signed up to participate. Due to a family emergency, the chapter was unable to attend. All members are looking forward to watching the conference at a later time. New middle members are active in getting Tallo accounts set up. Other members are researching events to participate in for the SLC, We are also planning to assist in updating school photos and the award wall. More in November.

Thank you to all of the Chapter’s who submitted their news!