Take a look at what the chapters in ND are doing this month!


We held an officer meeting in early November to do some planning for December community service and fundraising ideas.  Extracurricular activities were shut down prior to our all member meeting, so we were unable to hold our usual monthly meeting.  We have 8 individuals working on their BAA’s currently and as a club we have been working to complete many ND Gold chapter activities also.  

Divide County:

November was a challenging month for our chapter, due to the two weeks of distance learning.

Members continued working on the Virtual Business Challenges, LifeSmarts, and the Stock Market Game.

The popcorn and pizza orders were delivered and work nights were held, when possible. The chapter and school participated in wearing “PURPLE” on November 17, in honor of prematurity awareness.

Grand Forks Central:

In preparation for our November chapter meeting, we sent out notes to potential new members (whose names we collected from teachers we reached out to), inviting them to stop by and take a look. Snacks and drinks were provided. The chapter officers gave an introduction to FBLA and explained the activities that we do. Then we had members participate in a team-building/communication activity, where they each were given a picture, and the group was asked to work together to put them in order only by talking, without showing each other the pictures.

We held our first Professional Dress Day over Zoom with our FBLA members and with Mr. Wilber (our Associate Principal) and Mrs. Sandbeck (former GFC FBLA Adviser and current GFC Curriculum Instructional Coach and Professional Division Member). The photo is attached.

Members also began choosing and working on their events for the State Leadership Conference.

Grand Forks Central.jpg


We completed the Non-Stop November Challenge and submitted it.

We wore purple for March of Dimes on November 17 and all members participated, put fliers around the school explaining what Premature awareness was about.

Started selling our fundraisers of pizzas.

We have a good start on our Community service project.

Had an alumnus of FBLA meet with us for our November meeting.

Members are working on their BAA’s.

We participated in the Stock Market Game and Life Smarts.


Due to Covid our Chapter has been limited with the projects that can be completed.  We have held two fundraising events selling soft-serve ice cream. Purple soft serve ice cream in cones were sold for $1.00 for Prematurity Awareness  on November 17.  Green soft serve ice cream in cones were sold for $1.00 for ND Cystic Fibrosis in junction with their Annual Turkey Trot Fundraiser which is held in Bismarck/Mandan.  LHS  has an alumni FBLA member and Chapter Officer that we continue to support with fundraising to help donate to Cystic Fibrosis.  The Cystic Fibrosis Association helps families financially by assisting them with the costs of medication, equipment, supplies, lung transplants, college scholarships and travel assistance for medical appointments. We are also holding a school wide Bingo before classes begin on Tuesday, November 24.  We  have grab bag prizes for winners.  No Charge!  Decided to try to boost moral by offering prizes.  We have been giving award $10 gift cards which we purchased from local businesses as another moral booster.  We hand out a ticket when students arrive and have two drawings (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) each month.  Small items that mean a lot right now!


This month we completed our non-stop November challenge!
This Month we help our monthly meeting via zoom and had a few special guests! We had not only one but three alumni member join us in our zoom meeting! with out alumni members we got to know who they are along with their favorite FBLA past times and how FBLA benefits them now! This month has been very successful for our chapter!



We did it again this year!!  The Rugby High School Future Business Leaders of America chapter, planned, organized and maintained the donations data spreadsheet for the 20-21 FOOD DRIVE MENTOR CHALLENGE.

The challenge began October 30th and each of the 20 mentor groups was given a list of items that would be acceptable as possible donations and instructions on how to earn points.  Each group strategized in many different ways to try to win the challenge.  Some had each student bring $5 and then purchased items, others, had each student offer to bring in certain items and of course with many of the groups it was the students choice on what they wanted to bring.

November 12th at 3:00 p.m. was the final count date/time; we had 48 completed boxes (720 items) and an additional 417 individual items for a grand total of 1,137 items.

A special thank you to all who participated with not only donations, but helping with the count, and then carrying the boxes over to the Pierce County Food Pantry where Mrs.Vonnie Degenstein, Food Pantry Coordinator, was waiting for us.

On Thursday, November 19th, the winners of the Food Drive Mentor Challenge, Mrs. Geisingers’s group, celebrated with root beer floats and snacks; scooped up by FBLA President Megan Schmaltz.  The winners donated 346 items (8 complete boxes and 106 additional items).



During November we had everyone wear purple for March of Dimes. We also joined in and help with a school wide food drive. Scranton’s members were on the phones too selling wreaths for our annual fundraiser. 



The Strasburg FBLA chapter has been busy with service projects. Our most recent project was making forty gift basket turkeys, which were filled with treats and a Thanksgiving card, that we delivered to the residents of the care center. We will also be preparing holiday gift bags for the school Christmas program. Due to Covid guidelines we have shut-down our FBLA operated store until after the new year.


Thank you to all of the Chapter’s who submitted their news!