Take a look at what the chapters in ND are doing this month!
In the month January, we focused on picking and preparing for our events for the upcoming Spring Conference, which we will continue to do during February. We also had an officer meeting to discuss purchasing and the design of t-shirts for our chapter.
Divide County:
January has been a busy month for Divide County. The March of Dimes and American Heart Association committees have been busy finalizing the chapter fundraisers for both organizations. Members are diligently working on written projects, finalizing state competitions, and gearing up for FBLA Week.
Members continued to work on their BAA levels with one member completing her Business level and another finishing all but two of her Future level activities. (She has now finished her Future level.) We also started our 50-50 raffle ticket fundraiser at the girls basketball games. In addition we have held weekly membership meetings and had another officer meeting. At the officer meeting we discussed finding a fun activity for our members that would be “Covid safe.”

Grand Forks Central:
January is tough month for FBLA activities because it is the end of semester 1 and the beginning of semester 2. We try not to overwhelm students with activities and let them get settled in their new classes.
What we did focus on this month is collecting final state and national dues, ensuring competition events are finalized, and registering students for the State Leadership Conference. We also met with our chapter officers to finalize plans for our March of Dimes/American Heart Association fundraiser, which will take place on February 17th.
May-Port CG:
The May-Port CG FBLA chapter accomplished a lot during the month of January. This month we got t-shirt sizes and ordered them. We have also worked on finalizing tests and events for state this year. We have also been brainstorming ways to make state fun. We are thinking about going bowling as a chapter. We are trying to make our chapter prosper during these trying times.
This month our chapter started chocolate sale for our fundraising and also had our January meeting and talked about State and upcoming events for FBLA week planned by our FBLA president Tenlee Cancade.
During this month the Scranton Chapter went down to the local clinic and thanked them for all they have done throughout this year. When we went down there we the choir sang them a song, and the FBLA chapter gave them posters and a meat and cheese tray. We plan on keeping this going with local towns too. We want to create a virtual thank you for all the nurses and doctors have done.
Stanley FBLA spent the month of January planning and preparing for FBLA week and State Competitions. Groups were formed, events were picked, and schedules were made to complete everything for State on time and to meet all the requirements for Action Awareness.
Tioga FBLA members spent the month of January working on various activities including: finalizing projects and studying for the State Leadership Conference, preparing activities and plans for FBLA week, and completing projects for the Action Awareness Chapter Challenge.

Thank you to all of the Chapter’s who submitted their news!
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