Take a look at what the chapters in ND are doing this month!
During the month of February our chapter held one of it’s holiday fundraisers selling Valentine’s Day candy-grams. Some valuable learning experiences that took place in February were job shadowing for 3 of our members at the local healthcare facility with the administrator. Five other members took part in a business tour of a locally owned bank in our town where they learned about all departments. Also during February we held our 2nd BAA work night of this year which was great since we had 6 members complete their current BAA levels during this month!

Divide County:
February was a busy month completing written projects, preconference testing, and FBLA Week. Member activities during FBLA Week included taking pride in being a member; business attire day; teacher appreciation day along with designing your own masks; FBLA t-shirt day; and wear red for the American Heart Association Day.
The chapter also took on doing concessions for the remaining basketball games when the COVID restrictions lessened. The chapter also completed the applications for Action Awareness, Outstanding Chapter Award and the ND Go for Gold.
February was a busy month for our chapter. We had three members complete their Business Achievement Awards levels and five members recorded enough volunteer hours to qualify for the first level of the Community Service Awards. We had one member decide tor run for Region IV Vice-President after the second call for candidates went out. Members were also registered for the State Leadership Conference and their events at SLC. We are also putting in our application be recognized as a silver chapter.
Thank you to all of the Chapter’s who submitted their news!
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