Take a look at what the chapters in ND are doing this month!


The month of December included several activities for our chapter members.   We started the month by spreading some Christmas cheer to our school community by “decking the halls” of our school with some Christmas decorations.  We were unable to hold our annual “Santa Day” carnival for the families of our community this year, so a small replacement that we offered was a document compiling holiday games that families could access online via our chapter and school Facebook pages.  The document they could access had lots of fun games families could play at home during the holiday season.  We held one of our annual fundraisers in December also. We sold Candy Cane Grams, in which many students, teachers, and staff spread Christmas cheer to each other by sending candy canes to one another.  We also had our second professional dress day of this school year during the month of December.  Coming up in January our chapter plans to hold some BAA work nights for the 10 students participating in the BAA program and we will be working on prep work for some FBLA week activities. 



In the month of December, our chapter has been keeping busy! We are planning on participating in a professional dress day on December 17. We decided to have a Christmas party, but instead of doing secret Santa, we decided to buy gifts for each teacher in our school as a way to show our appreciation towards them and all that they do for us as their students. A chapter meeting was held on December 10 to discuss the following: volunteer opportunities, membership dues, fundraisers (birthday colanders, beef jerky, and Eskimo gear) and goals (BAA’s, Officer Check In’s, and competitive events). 


Our chapter held an officer meeting to go over and prepare for the upcoming events and deadlines, such as Business Achievement Awards, FBLA Week, and State Leadership Conference. We held an all-member chapter meeting to discuss these events with our members and go over State FBLA competitive events. Our chapter also completed the second Chapter Challenge – NonStop November. The highlight of our month was being a part of our school’s local food drive. Student organizations in our school came together to bring canned food for our Daily Bread. FBLA members were able to get a point for the number of cans they brought. Our school gave over 1,500 lbs of food! 

Divide County:

DC members were busy choosing their events for SLC and working on the Business Achievement Awards. The Nonstop November application was completed and submitted and the Business Financial Planning members were busy with their car loans. 


In December we completed our fall/winter pizza fundraiser. We sell pizzas from two different companies, so we had two delivery dates. Our members managed both well by either picking them up themselves or arranging for someone else to do so.  We also had two member meetings in December during which we discussed the pizza sales and the importance of good customer service. We also talked about completing BAA levels, parli-pro practices, and upcoming events. Our 50/50 raffle ticket sales fundraiser is on hold until we can have more fans at the games.

Grand Forks Central:

Members participated in another virtual Professional Dress Day on December 15th. We had a great turnout, with 27 members showing up to the Zoom call!

Grand Forks Central.jpg


We have been busy working on our Community Service Project.  All members have either been working on research or entering information in the computer any spare time they have.

We completed our pizza fundraiser and sold about around 300 pizzas.

We have been working on our Ag loan project, Annual Business Report.

We had a professional business person come to our FBLA meeting in December virtually.

Members are working on their BAA’s.


The Larimore High School Chapter of FBLA conducted a school-wide bingo using Teams.  Our Chapter connected with every classroom in our building by using Teams.  Bingo was called from our the classroom of our Adviser.  Prizes were given out for the first ten Bingo’s called.  Prizes included gift cards, candy and beverages.  Bingo was a success!  This was an opportunity for our Chapter to involve all students in Grades 7-12 and experience an event hosted by Larimore Future Business Leaders of America.


May-Port CG:

May-Port CG was quite active during the month of December. Our FBLA chapter created an angel tree for the Dolly Parton organization. We were able to take in $900 from MPCG staff and students. Our chapter officers also prepared small Christmas gift for each paid member. Each member got a box of candy with a greeting on it. Our officers have also more recently gotten together. We have been working on planning a future outing for our chapter. We are also working on adding professional dress days and FBLA days to represent our chapter. With everything going on, we want to be able to keep things as normal as possible. 


In the month of December our chapter started selling bingo at all home games. With covid we sell bingo cards at a table by the ticker taker for the game instead of walking around selling tickets in the stands. We also held our chapters monthly meeting and picked our events for state!!


Stanley FBLA celebrated the holidays in December by once again hosting a teacher door decorating contest. Teachers decorated their doors to try and win first place in either school spirit, best theme, or best overall design. The first place for each of the categories won a $20 DQ gift card. FBLA also sponsored a Christmas mask decorating contest where the first person in each grade won a $10 coffee gift card. 


Tioga FBLA has been busy as usual with multiple activities throughout this past month. We started the month off on a high note, with completing the Non-Stop November challenge. The chapter began our annual World’s Finest Chocolate fundraiser in an effort to raise money for the upcoming state conference.

On December 22nd, we held our chapter Christmas party! The Christmas party consisted of a dinner, gift exchange, and a murder mystery game hosted by Hygge Hills, a local business. Finally, throughout December, chapter members continued to study and work on their competitive events in preparation for the state conference.


Thank you to all of the Chapter’s who submitted their news!