Take a look at what the chapters in
NORTH DAKOTA are doing this month!


During the month of September we had our first full chapter meeting one evening, which also included pizza and dodgeball. We saw many return members and a few new ones also. We started a food drive this month to collect goods for our new school food pantry backpack program. It’s a new program in which the community food pantry is working with individuals and clubs in our school to keep a food pantry area ready and stocked within our school. Non-perishable food items and also personal hygiene items are given out weekly and placed in the backpacks of students in need. We did some fundraising this month also by holding 50/50 raffles at our home football and volleyball games.


This month, Mya Woodbeck, the state historian attended a state officer meeting. A professional dress day was held on September 16th all members participated, then on September 3rd, we had an officer meeting. On September 10th we had a full high school meeting, during that meeting we talked about fundraisers and the Program of Work. We completed the Summer Starter Program during the month of September.


In the month of September, Carrington FBLA held an officer meeting to plan for upcoming events for our members. We put on a flag challenge that had members find an FBLA flag around the school. If members found a flag, members received a prize at our all-member meeting. At our all-member meeting, we announced flag challenge winners, named our members of the month, and had members sign up for upcoming fundraisers. Our chapter also completed Summer Starter. Our officers prepared for Fall Leadership.


September began with working volleyball and football concessions. As a chapter, we decided to do 50/50 raffles for community members who are in need of help with medical expenses. We are taking all the games in one week, for an individual, and donating the proceeds to them. We have helped an alumni’s parent, a member’s parent, and another alumni’s husband.

At the football games, community groups have volunteered to help grill food and we then advertise them or their business. This has been a great success.

The chapter officers have met and have been planning monthly activities trying to get all members involved. Several of the members have begun the Contributor Achievement Level. The Middle Level is off and running and began working on their Lead Level and the Merit Award. Members have begun working on the Stock Market Game, with 15 teams participating. The Summer Starter Program was completed and submitted on September 15 and the Shaping Success activities have been assigned and planned.

On September 11, members served a lunch for the Patriot Day Program that was put together by the Ministerial Association of Crosby. This was a time to remember and pay tribute to firemen, police officers, medical personnel, and veterans.

Members have conducted their annual Pizza and Popcorn Fundraiser. This year they sold Ole and Lena Pizzas along with Colorado Jack Popcorn.

Several members participated in the Business Battle, the week of September 13 – 23. We also helped with a community fundraiser benefit for medical expenses, on September 26.


This month we hosted a blood drive. We had a great turn out we had twenty-seven people donate blood. We had a chapter meeting, there we discussed topics for FLC and we had our state president, Lauren Skadberg, install our officers! The chapter has been busy in the concession stands for volleyball games and in the coffee shop on Wednesdays and Fridays.


The Drake-Anamoose ML held an election for the officer positions of president, secretary, treasurer and reporter. We also started working in the DA perks coffee shop we had tasks such as making the coffee, rinsing, getting ice, taking orders, and counting change back. For home volleyball games we worked in the concession stand which contains candy, popcorn, water, pop, and coffee. We also attended an introduction to FBLA 101 recruitment meeting. The ML officers made and presented a presentation about how to log in to the Lead award program. We also talked about completing the ML Merit bingo and what activities we have already done.



In September, the Enderlin chapter had a big presence at Sunflower Days. Members hid “Golden Sunflower” and developed clues to its location. We also ran the largest sunflower head contest, the kids games, and had a float in the parade. We also had two recruitment meetings, and a meeting devoted to officer development. Several of our members volunteered when we helped a community member move to a new home. Finally one of our members completed the first two levels of the new business achievement awards and started the third. Other members have started the Contributor level and plan to finish in October.


First chapter meeting was held in the beginning of September. Since then, many previous members have shown interest in participating again this year; new members were excited about State Leadership Conference. The chapter officers attended the State Fall Leadership Conference and podiumed in the “Junk Night” team building activity. Overall the chapter started the school year strong. For the officers who attended FLC, the conference was memorable.


Our chapter started fundraising during the month of September. We posted jars at different locations in the area so people can put their money in them to increase one of the chosen FBLA member’s chances of kissing a cow. Whichever member raises the most money will have to kiss a cow in October. Our chapter has also been spreading our word about or free will pancake breakfast in October. We’ve had a couple meetings with topics such as voting for officers, the Fall Leadership Conference expectations, dress code, permission slips, grades. During our meetings, we’ve also been playing fun games to get to know each other.


Hatton Northwood has been busy this month working on the Stock Market Game. We have 8 teams. We have had 3 meetings since the beginning of school and we have new members. We have started a Middle Level Chapter this year and are excited to get the ball rolling on that. We completed the Summer Starter and have submitted it. We have started on Shaping for Success and have completed at least 4 of the activities. We had 4 students participate in the Business Battle. We have been working on our Committees for the year. Getting our projects ready and who are the people chairing them. We have created a Social Media Plan.


Our Chapter has been busy conducting fundraising events. We raise our funds through concessions sold at volleyball, football and 5th/6th Grade Girls Basketball. Our concessions consist of hot food items, candy and popcorn, soft-serve ice cream and beverages. Members sign up to work the concession stand and officers are relied upon to schedule themselves to oversee the FBLA members working. Our Chapter has been busy with locker recruitment signs for our paid members. We are hoping that the locker signs give our FBLA members appreciation for their hard work!


September was a busy month for MPCG FBLA! The chapter wrapped up the Summer Starter activity and continued it’s recruiting mission. Chapter project planning has begun for the members while several members began the stock market game. Beef stick sales continued and will continue for the rest of the year. Chapter officers also attended the FLC in Bismarck.


We had a busy month at Mott Regent High School! We’ve been working on:
Little Caesar’s Pizza Kit Fundraiser–raised $506 for the chapter
Mia attended State Officer training September 19-20
Chapter Breakfast with information on FLC


FBLA members worked on outreach and growth during the month of September. Officers met and planned the year’s events. We planned our fundraisers and decided on our plan for chapter t-shirts.


In the month of September we paid our dues, did a fundraiser, and recruited new members. This is the first year of having Middle Level members in our school. We decided that allowing eighth graders to join would help us have more members in the future as they age up. Our treasurer went around and collected the dues for everyone who said that they were joining this year. Our newly elected officers had a meeting to decide how we were going to split up our Champion Chapter activities. We made our program of work and discussed our fundraising ideas. We got World’s Finest Chocolates for the FBLA members to sell. Our goal is to have all of the chocolates sold before Thanksgiving break. For another fundraiser, we had a powderpuff football game in which high school girls and ladies from the community played flag football while the football boys coached and refereed the game. We advertised using posters throughout our community. Overall, everyone had fun and we will probably do this fundraiser again next year.

Thank you to all of the Chapters who submitted their news!