FLC Recap!

The 2023-2024 Fall Leadership Conference was a success! Patty Hendrickson was our leadership speaker! She taught us many new skills and engaged us with interactive lessons. Patty was also the leader of a few of the leadership workshops that had great turnouts! Our state officers also lead some education workshops on various topics such as: running for state office, American Heart Association, importance of interaction, FBLA basics, and communication. Chapter officers, members, and advisers were given time on Sunday evening to meet and plan for the year together. Members who attended were able to watch all of the state officers, Miss North Dakota, and Mary from the American Heart Association get pied in the face, because we raised $906 by selling paper hearts for the American Heart Association! Thank you to all who participated in our fundraiser. Make sure to get logged into FBLA Connect and start working on your BAA’s and LEADs! Also ask your adviser what still needs to be done for the Shaping Success portion of the Champion Chapter Award. Get ahead of the game and don’t procrastinate, because it is extremely easy to get behind if you do procrastinate!


make sure you get logged into fbla connect and start working on your baa’s and leads!