take a look at what the chapters in
NORTH DAKOTA are doing this month!


For FBLA, September was a little bit of a slow month. We had a meeting at the beginning of the month to elect our new members and discuss the officers and significant dates for the following weeks. We currently have 10 members this year. For three volleyball matches and one football game, we sold 50/50 raffle tickets. We have co-presidents Allison and Brylee, historian Sara, treasurer Trevor, and secretary Jayden as our officers. So far, we’ve had two meetings in total.



This month our chapter held our first meeting, completed the summer starter, and held two very successful fundraisers. One of our fundraisers was selling peaches to our local community. The next fundraiser was providing our local farmers market with a taco dinner.


The Carrington FBLA chapter held three meetings in the month of September. Our first meeting at the beginning of the month was our interest meeting for current members and those interested in joining our chapter. We introduced our officer team and went over what we do in FBLA for the school year. We also held an officer meeting and an all member meeting towards the end of the month. At the officer meeting, we designed our school FBLA t-shirt, discussed FLC, and prepared for our all member meeting. At our all member meeting, we had members do an icebreaker to talk about what they were most excited about in FBLA, sign up for candy concessions which we do at every home sporting event, and discuss upcoming professional days and tshirt days. Our officers also completed the Summer Starter for Champion Chapter!



On September 6th our chapter helped plan and host a blood drive at our local city hall. The blood drive went from 10am-2pm. We put an article in the local newspapers to let the communities near us know who to contact to sign up or when to come if they want to be a walk in. We had every slot except for two filled plus walk-ins. The blood drive organization we worked with is Vitalant who is also the company we have held blood drives with for the past 15 years. We also sent out articles about the next two blood drives we will be doing this year so that the communities can email our advisor and plan in advance for the next blood drive.

Next we had our monthly meeting on September 12th were we introduced and installed our high school and middle school officers for this year. At the meeting we also told the members about the upcoming schedule. We told them about FLC and what they need to do in order to go. The criteria to go is you have to work at least twice in our coffee shop before the end of the month and work twice in our concession stand throughout the volleyball season.

Our chapter has also had our coffee shop open more than 6 times this month to help fundraise to pay for our members to go to FLC and SLC. And our concession stand has been open at all home volleyball games to help our members gain talking skills as well as help raise money for all of the fun activities we plan to do this year to keep our chapter open.

During this month we also ordered food and supplies to go into our food pantry to officially open it in the school for this school year. Then we held an officer training where our high school officers matched up with the middle school officer with the same or similar position to help them prepare for what they will need to do this year and possibly as a high school officer if they plan to run when they get to the age.

Then our officers had a meeting to plan the agenda for our next monthly meeting on October 2nd. We planned what icebreaker to do and what important topics to share with our members. Then at the monthly meeting we told the members once again what to expect at FLC what they will need to bring and how to act. And to end the meeting off after old business we told the members how our market day will work this year. For the American Enterprise Project we have a market day and our members sell goods. At the monthly meeting, we had members plan what to bring and what to sell.

And to end the month we elected and awarded a local chapter member of the month award. The winners for our chapter this month were Jade Uhlich for working multiple times in the concession stand and in the coffee shop and Jacob Klimpel for stepping up and taking shifts to work in the coffee shop and spreading the benefits of FBLA to fellow students!

Drake-Anamoose Middle School:

This month our middle school officers had officer training on the 16th; during the training, our officers were able to have a meeting. We went over Merit Awards, our community service project ideas, the membership committee, and the community service committee. At our chapter meeting on the 21st, we appointed members to these committees. We also discussed the upcoming Fall Leadership Conference.



We had 17 returning members this year and welcomed 11 new members to FBLA. We began with a membership drive in August. Our current members began contacting and emailing potential members. After school started, posters were placed around the school inviting everyone to an informational meeting.

We have decided to provide a snow removal service for the elderly and others in Edgeley as a Community Service Project. This is something that the entire club can participate in and really helps out those who are unable to shovel snow themselves.
Fundraising ideas have been shared, and we have already started selling Christmas Wreaths which will be assembled and delivered before Thanksgiving. Another idea for fundraising is to host a Halloween Carnival. The idea will be presented to the club for a vote before proceeding.


Grand Forks Red River:

Red River’s FBLA Chapter held a prospective and returning members meeting. We finalized plans on a Chapter Sweatshirt Design and registered members for FLC and the Stock Market Game. Lastly, we are in the process of collecting member’s dues.



We created committee members for Digital Scrapbook, Community Service Project, Project Awareness, Business Financial Planning, and Project with a Business. Had our monthly meeting and on recruitment meeting. Submitted the Summer Starter with the maximum points available. Started to work on Project Awareness and put up fliers in the school about what our project is. Had a guest speaker come and talk about finance in our chapter. We have 10 stock market teams and 7 out of the 10 have bought stocks. Working and recruiting new members to retain our membership from last year.


As a chapter, we hosted our first meeting receiving new members for this school year. Also, in this time frame, we created a parade float in cooperation with FFA and FCCLA for our school for our Harvest Fest Parade. Our officer team also met and talked about the logistics of participating in the Go for Gold challenges.

May-Port CG:

This month we began our 2023-2024 FBLA year. We started off the month by introducing our new officers and getting to know each other. We worked together and did some brainstorming on how we could improve membership in our chapter this year. As an officer team, we then reached out to current and past members to gather resources for our school’s FBLA bulletin board. We gathered pictures, stories, and memories all to display. As a chapter, we have held three meetings. At our first one, we discussed what FBLA is. At the second meeting, we discussed more about opportunities that can come from being involved and active in FBLA. At our third meeting, we recently discussed our dress-up days, FLC, and upcoming VBC. Separately, we will hold meetings for our FBLA Haunted House for members who want to help head the activity and help set everything up. We have set the date for October 27th and are excited to start planning!



During this month, on September 11th, our FBLA officer team hosted a recruitment meeting we called “What’s The Scoop On FBLA?” during our Cardinal Time. Our President and Parliamentarian presented the information to both middle and high school classes. Our chapter also volunteered for our school’s Color Run, of which was sponsored by the Health Council. Members Sam, Kayleah, and Natalie represented us. All activities for Summer Starter were completed and submitted by our officer team for this month as well. Our Chapter Dues and Forms were due on Friday, September 29th. As of now, we have 12 members fully paid and forms signed, but we have more on the way. Finally, we elected our chapter’s first ever Local Member of the Month, of which was our president Natalie Becker!

Powers Lake:

Officer Elections, and recruiting members. Fundraiser doing memory mates for the football teams.



This month we had three meetings. In the first meeting, we handed out our code of conduct and medical release forms. For our second meeting, we handed out football booklets for members to sell. Each member received five booklets because, at our first meeting, we had less than 20 people. As of right now, we have 27 members. Also at our second meeting, we formed committees and determined who was going to fall leadership. At our third meeting, we voted on our chapter t-shirt designs and discussed who is doing concessions at our home volleyball game on October 17.



Stanley FBLA continued with weekly meetings on Friday mornings in Mrs. Evensvold’s classroom. There were typically coffee or doughnuts at these meetings to encourage attendance. So far, we have discussed membership requirements, what to expect for FBLA for the year, upcoming events, fundraising, and dress code. Our chapter had members sign up for the fall stock market challenge, FLC, and our pumpkin patch outing for October. We will have record attendance and participation for all three of those activities.

Our main fundraiser for the month was selling lemonade. We sold during the homecoming football game and dance on the 8th and also during our home football game on the 15th. We raised about $2,300 between those two nights to help pay for conferences. Our chapter is taking over the school vending machine and ordering school-smart snacks to fill it. Members will be responsible for filling the vending machine and collecting the money. We submitted our activities for Summer Starter and earned 1,600 out of 1,700 points.

To show some teacher appreciation, we made our popular lemonades for the teachers during Parent/Teacher Conferences free of charge. The Stanley teachers had free lemonade on September 19 and the elementary teachers on September 26. The teachers loved it and we received a lot of thanks in return.

Members worked on their stock market portfolios during the last two weeks of September. An American Enterprise Committee was formed and finalized the topic and plan for the 6th graders. Our chapter is also working on contacting businesspeople to come sit at our business roundtable event in the afternoon of American Enterprise Day.




This month our chapter had our monthly meeting, served concessions for two sporting events at our school, tested new equipment for our school store, which is run by FBLA. Our officers also designed and ordered materials for our chapter t-shirts.


Thank you to all of the Chapters who submitted their news!