Take a look at what the chapters in
NORTH DAKOTA are doing this month!


The Ashley FBLA Chapter has been hard at work during the month of September. We had our first annual meeting which we celebrated with some doughnuts from Ashley Super Value. In the following weeks, we had our first professional dress day. We have had plenty of FBLA 50/50 ticket sales during our home games for football and volleyball. For our home football game, we sold 50/50 tickets, and we decided as a chapter to donate the proceeds to our social studies teacher who is currently undergoing chemotherapy for colon cancer. In just those couple of hours, we raised $390 for Mr. Paulsrud. We also collaborated with our local Lion’s Club for our annual fall ditch cleaning. These events wrap up what the Ashley FBLA Chapter has been busy with during the month of September.


Throughout the month of September, the Bowbells FBLA chapter has worked hard to participate in many events. Bowbells FBLA started off the month by finishing selling peaches as a fundraiser and soon after, held their first chapter meeting. The officers made sure to register for the Fall Conference. They have recently held two fundraisers, one selling tacos and the other selling chili, in the park that has brought a profit, as well as making the community aware of FBLA. Our two state officers, Mya Woodbeck and Ann Crosby enjoyed attending the State Officer Training. Bowbells FBLA members have also worked hard to serve concessions at a Volleyball game. Members participated in a professional dress day. Three of the Bowbells FBLA members, Carson Thingvold, Luke Crosby, and Web Lowry, are excited to begin working on the Stock Market Challenge. Business Battle Registration, as well as the Summer Starter Activities, have all been submitted and Bowbells FBLA members are looking forward to participating in next month’s activities.


In the month of September, we held an FBLA interest meeting, officer meeting, and an all-member meeting. At the interest meeting, we introduced our officer team and shared about FBLA and our favorite experiences at state and nationals, as well as activities our chapter does throughout the school year. We also did an icebreaker that paired up new/interested members with current members that had them share two things they either liked about FBLA or wanted to know about FBLA. Our officers met to create the agenda for our all-member meeting at the end of September. At this meeting, we voted on a member of the month, planned our t-shirt and professional dress days, and discussed upcoming events. Hudson Topp was elected our member of the month. We also had five students win our “logo finder” activity – we hid the new FBLA logo around the school and members that found the logo received a prize. Our officers also worked on our Champion Chapter Summer Starter activities.

divide county:

Recruitment Activities: First-year member meetings and a recruitment supper.
Officers held many meetings, suppers, and lunches.


To start this month off we had a meeting to initiate the new officers that won the election. We were sworn in by the Region II Vice President. We also stated what we plan to do for the rest of the month and what new members to expect. Our chapter planned what days our next meeting are, and what days members will work at our coffee shop located in the school, and we reminded the members to talk to our advisor about registering for FLC.

Throughout the month our FBLA chapter sold popcorn, pop/water, candy, and a selected coffee drink at our school’s volleyball games. We sell these items at these games to raise funds to help pay for our members to go to FLC and SLC.

To end the month we had an officer training on September 24th to help the middle school officers learn about what the high school level officers do. This helps the middle school level officers know what to expect when they run for an officer position when they reach the high school level. This also made it easier for the middle school level members to get to know the high school officers better and break out of their comfort zone.

The training also helped the middle school level officers to run their section better and to allow more organization to occur.

This month was full of fundraising, meeting, training, and fun!

Drake-anamoose Middle:

This month we have been busy! We started this month off with a Middle School meeting on the 2nd. During that meeting, we elected our middle school Vice President-Mason Schuh, 7th-grade representative-Jadyn Ehrman, and social media assistant-Giselle Mayer. On the 13th we had a chapter meeting where we installed our officers. We also touched base on our upcoming Market Day, FLC dues/registration, and coffee shop schedules. On the 24th we had Middle School Level officer training. During this training we did an ice breaker, and did training on what our position is and what your responsibilities are; We worked on public speaking and team bonding skills.


We had 11 returning members this year and welcomed 12 new members who are eager to participate in the various activities and learn more about FBLA. The membership drive was initiated in August with members contacting and emailing potential members. Once school started, posters were placed around the school inviting everyone to an informational meeting. The final component was Rush Week, in which members (old and new) were encouraged to invite as many friends as they could to join FBLA. Members have already joined a few committees to begin working on some long-term projects for the year.

fargo north:

In September we had presentations in all of our business and marketing classes as well as having our first meeting. We elected our four officers to end the month off. Excited and preparing for FLC in October.

grand forks central:

This past September we had 3 meetings for our chapter. We had our first meeting to introduce students to the FBLA. The second meeting was used to recruit more students and to talk about our Fundraiser and handout forms. Our last meeting in September was a meeting to hand out orders from our fundraiser and to discuss anything related to the Fall Leadership Conference.


• We had 2 recruitment meetings, one regular meeting, and one officer training meeting, and a regular officer meeting.

• Our chapter has grown by 8 members so far.

• We completed the Summer Starter and submitted it with 1700 points.

• Started our fundraising for March of Dimes and the American Heart Association.

• Registered 8 teams for the Stock Market Game.

• We have members starting BAA and at least one has completed the first level.

• High School level members have buddied up with the new members and Middle Level and helped them log into BAA and get started.

• Started the initial planning for Project Awareness and chose a week in October to present it.

• Had a guest speaker come and talk to our members about finances, loans, banking and savings, and credit reports.

• Members worked on Project Awareness and a variety of members helped the chairpeople get ready for the event.

• Sold over 500 lollipops in three days for a chapter fundraiser.


We held an informational meeting, designated officers and job duties, and held our first officers’ coffee and conversations meeting. We also formed a community service committee to head our community spirit apparel drive. Our chapter is also planning on sending our officers to the Fall Conference.

may-port CG:

The May-Port CG FBLA chapter kicked off the 2022-23 Membership year during the month of September. We held our first chapter meeting for both paid members and prospective members for all students in grades 7-12. We had over 90 students at this meeting. Popcorn was snacked on as the officers presided over the first meeting. Packets with information were handed out, which included important dates, competitive event information as well as officer bios. The haunted house fundraiser began its initial planning stage and will be held in late October. At the conclusion of the meeting, door prizes were awarded.

Following our first meeting, we held a recruitment week with treats for members each day.

We also set up our tour for the Microsoft Campus in Fargo for November 8th.


We started off strong with a chapter meeting the first week of September. At this meeting, we discussed fundraising, goals, and other events happening in the months to come. We prepared for FLC and what to expect at the conference. Preparation for the upcoming FLC continued throughout the rest of the month. The chapter then met again in mid-September. During this meeting, we got our chapter t-shirts! We also reviewed our fundraising progress and FLC details. The idea of having an officer lunch was also talked about. Fundraisers were a great success this month. We sold Little Caesar’s pizza kits. It was a fun, profitable fundraiser! In addition, we sold 50/50 tickets at a home football game. To conclude September, the officers and advisor enjoyed an officer lunch. The Mott Regent FBLA chapter ended the month of September on a positive note and is looking forward to FLC in just a couple of weeks!


A lot has happened during our first month of FBLA!! As a chapter, we collectively had an officer election where we ended up with two ties. These were for the positions of President and Social Media Specialist/ Historian. Working as a team, we decided that we would co-op on these positions instead of having a tiebreaker! Our officer team is made up of 7 returning members and 3 seniors that will be sharing their last year of FBLA here on our officer team. Our two presidents went door to door to explain the benefits of joining FBLA and the fun activities we get to do as a chapter. We in total rounded up 5 new members from the beginning of the year to our most recent chapter meeting. We have 12 other returning members to bring our chapter total members to a whopping 17 members!!!! For the champion chapter, as an officer team, we divided up tasks to split among the 7 of us. We worked together to get all of our activities done and submitted on time! At one of our meetings, we discussed finances and in turn decided to have a school-wide bake sale. We made a total of $225 that we will put toward our state and fall leadership conferences. We got our members registered for the Business Battle and are ready to take it by storm! All of our members also paid their dues. Last but not least; our advisor, Ms. Landro, crowned our member of the month. She nominated Ella Darrow for this. As a chapter, we have done so much and we’re just starting out. I think this chapter is going to see great things this year!!


This month our FBLA chapter has been very busy. Our school store has been hard at work designing and making school spirit apparel, ranging from crewnecks to T-shirts, and even buttons! We also came up with a new fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, selling pink-out ribbons at games, as well as pink-out shirts. Aside from that, a majority of our members have begun working on completing their BAAs for the year. Finally, we voted on a design made by one of our members to be used as our chapter T-shirt design, which will be ordered here shortly. Next month we have a lot to look forward to, with Pink-Out Night coming up on October 18th.


Stanley FBLA kicked off the month of September with a breakfast meeting on September 2 at 8:10 in Mrs. Evensvold’s classroom. Members voted on the type of top garment they wanted this year and later voted online for their preferred design. We went over the basics of FBLA in Stanley and plans for the year. Officers decided on a pumpkin patch outing in October and Mrs. Evensvold is going to work on implementing the BAAs again this year.


September was a busy month for Zeeland FBLA. We started off by putting some of our fundraising plans into motion. At the beginning of the month, we started our first fundraiser of selling breakfast snacks before and after school. Toward mid-September, we held an ice cream social in collaboration with the school’s “Welcome Back to School Night.” We continued to hold discussions of fundraisers for the succeeding meetings of the month with plans to sell pizza in October.

Thank you to all of the Chapters who submitted their news!