Take a look at what the chapters in NORTH DAKOTA are doing this month!


FBLA WEEK!!!! The beach chapter celebrated FBLA week by dressing on Tuesday was career day, Wednesday was red white and blue day, and Thursday was professional dress day!! We had so much fun celebrating with our classmates and people in our school. FBLA week was so much fun, and we can’t wait for next year.


In the month of February, our chapter held many events! To celebrate FBLA week, we did chuck-a-duck every day during I/E time for our middle school and high school students. This was very successful, and the money we earned from chuck-a-duck was donated to the American Heart Association. Our chapter had an FBLA social at our local bowling alley, which was fun for our members to hang out together. We held an officer meeting and an all member meeting. Our officers worked hard on completing the activities to submit CTE Celebration. Our members are working hard on their state events.

Central Valley:

This month we took part in FBLA Week festivities by writing a letter to one of our local legislators urging him to sign a proclamation acknowledging FBLA Week and we also wore the FBLA blue and yellow for another day. We also had a busy night on February 13th working the concession stand for a rivalry basketball game between HCV and Thompson. We’ve also made arrangements to conduct a community cleanup in Reynolds and Buxton on Sunday, March 3rd. Also, we voted Jack Knudsvig our January Member of the Month because of his great effort with his video for his event at the State Leadership Conference.


The LHS Chapter of FBLA has been busy this month with CTE activities. We celebrated CTE Month with FFA. Our officers planned a fun filled week to allow students to get to know our officers and to promote our two CTSO organizations. Students and staff were treated to donuts and juice during FBLA Week. CTE Bingo was broadcast over Teams for all Homerooms to play. The first three Bingo’s won prizes. We held a CTE Pep Rally which was fun and entertaining for the entire student body and staff. We held dress up days such as class color, farmer vs. business and UND vs. NDSU. FBLA members helped at the United Way Food Pantry twice during the week unloading a truck of inventory, stocking shelves and sorting donated clothes. Red ice cream was sold for the American Heart Association. An FBLA Trivia Wheel was used at lunch time to test the knowledge of our students about FBLA. All our members received treat bags for being involved in our chapter. Our officers did a magnificent job informing students about FBLA and the benefits of joining FBLA



We had themed days for every day of FBLA week. These themes included professional dress day, hat day, valentines gift day, and candy jar guessing. We made thank you letters for each department as a chapter. Finally, our members have been preparing for SLC.


Mott Regent:

In February, our chapter was busy with many different activities! Members worked the annual winter ball for the soil conservation district at the beginning of the month. Those who worked the event got the opportunity to serve dinner and dessert to attendees. This month we have also been preparing for SLC by studying for events. With that, we had a few teams participate in acalympics testing. Our chapter also organized a couple fundraising events this month. First, we did our annual sucker sale. Members took turns selling before the morning bell and during lunch. It was a great success once again! We also did a Kuchen fundraiser. All members sold Kuchen for a couple of weeks and will deliver it right in time for Easter!



Our chapter focused heavily on FBLA week this month. Right out the gate, on the second, we hosted a bake sale. All of the proceeds went to the American Heart Association. We ended up raising around $300. Moving into FBLA week, we had quite a few things planned. We had our professional dress day on Monday, February 11th. We took a picture and sent it towards the Go For Gold Achievements. Tuesday, February 12th, we did spotlight day. We took a couple of different FBLA members in our chapter and had them fill out a questionnaire pertaining to how long they’ve been in FBLA, what their favorite part is, and how they can encourage others to participate. Wednesday, February 13th, we did a wear red and hat day. We chose to wear read in honor of the AHA once again, and donated those proceeds from the hat day to that organization. Thursday, February 14th, we did Thankful Thursday. We attached thankful messages to mini candy bars and gave them to all of the staff in both the elementary and high school building. Friday the 15th was our spirit day. Chapter members were encouraged to either wear blue and gold or their chapter sweatshirts and swag in support. This month, on the 14th, FBLA also hosted Candy Grams for our school as a fundraiser. Students were encouraged to buy $1 chocolate bars, write a message, and send them to someone they care about. On February 17th, our chapter had another outing. We all went to the Putt District in downtown Minot to have some fun! After completing a good amount of the Champion Chapter activities, our chapter reached the highest status! We spent the last of February preparing for SLC and whatever events our members are choosing to participate in.


In the month of February, all Tioga FBLA chapter members who participated in a project finished up their final reports. This included: American Enterprise Project, Community Service Project, & Local Chapter Annual Business Report. In addition, eleven members completed a level of the BAA. Our chapter requires the completion of a report or BAA in order to participate in State FBLA. Our chapter also put on an FBLA week with every day being a new theme. Monday was Black Out vs Neon, Tuesday was Dress Like a Boss, Wednesday was wear red in support of the American Heart Association, and Thursday was 70s, 80s, 90s vibes. On Wednesday, we also allowed students to wear a hat or hood for $1 to raise funds for the AHA.


This month we completed 2 volunteer service projects, per our sponsorship contract with the Williston Parks and Rec. We hosted 2 CPR First Certifications for D7 employees, where we assisted the trainer in helping 34 staff members to become certified in hands only CPR. We presented to our School Board at the City Commission’s Office on all CTSOs at Williston High School in celebration of National CTE Month (Don’t mind the attire. Some of us came straight from Track Practice for the presentation). We Celebrated FBLA in a forum/presentation to our student class in addition to hosting some fun dress up days. All money being donated to the American Heart Association.


During February, our chapter was very busy. We started off the month by practicing multiple times with several individuals and teams so that they would be prepared for their competitive events. For FBLA week we served Italian Iceis during lunchtime every day and raised over $500 for our chapter. Also during FBLA week, we conducted a food drive for our local food bank and sold hearts to each class in our school for a fundraiser directed to the American Heart Association. This fundraiser raised a very reasonable amount of money to be donated to the AHA.

Thank you to all of the Chapters who submitted their news!