Take a look at what the chapters in NORTH DAKOTA are doing this month!


Ashley FBLA was sure busy in November! We started the month off strong with pizza sales. Lots of customers helped the members make it possible to sell so many items. We could not have done it without the local people of Ashley to make this a successful, not to mention delicious, fundraiser. On Saturday the 11th, the chapter helped serve the Lion’s Supper at the Ashley Legion. Many hands were needed for the number of dishes being washed and dried! Members were always eager to help when either water pitchers needed to be filled or tables needed to be cleaned. Our chapter just started BAA work nights on the 15th. This is a great opportunity for us to pursue the Gold Status for “Go For Gold”. The members powered through the skill-building activities and made sure to fuel up with the pizza that was offered! Speaking of powering through, on the 16th the chapter held both a meeting and a Professional Dress Day. November ended with Santa Days on the 25th. The whole month we had planned for this day filled with holiday fun. We decorated our school gym before we left for Thanksgiving break with lots of Christmas décor. With help from the Ashley FFA chapter we had lots of baked goods for the cake walk and activities such as bucketball, face painting, letters to Santa, mini golf, balloon darts, and more! We couldn’t be more thankful from the help our local Chamber of Commerce provided us for Santa Days. This was a great way to end the month of November!



In the month of October we held a chapter meeting at a local business with our Middle School chapter where our local officers talked about what they learned at FLC. This month we also had a professional dress day with a great turnout!



This month our chapter had its monthly meeting. Along with this month we had a spirit day, a professional dress day and the middle level had their meeting.



Burke Central:

November was a busy month for our chapter. We did a buddy activity with the 5-6 grade students by creating a flyer for a car wash. We learned to use Canva for the project and created some great flyers. We celebrated American Enterprise Day by holding a contest to create a t-shirt design for a school shirt. We partnered 1 high school, 1 middle school, and 1 5-6 grade student. We could use any program but we all chose Canva. The winning design will be voted on by the students at our school and will be put on a t-shirt for each person in our school. We also did a tour of the US Customs building in Portal ND. We learned about what the people at the port do and job opportunities available in our area.


Des Lacs-Burlington:

This month we completed our Community Service Project to secure the gold level for our chapter. Our project had a bunch of volunteers from our group that went down to the Senior Citizen Center in our small town and we served a homemade spaghetti dinner to almost all of the residents! Everything brought something whether it was food or games or utensils. We sat down with the residents and talked to them for a while just to brighten their day because they don’t get very many visitors often. We wanted to cheer them up as much as possible! Overall, it was a great opportunity for us to give back to our seniors and realize how much it means to them!



The month of November our chapter wanted to focus on getting to know each other. We want our FBLA members to feel a connection within the chapter. We do a lot of fun activities throughout the year and November was no exception. We all went ice skating at the local rink together to start off November strong. All new members and old members got to have pizza and skate with each other. I think it’s really important to have these kinds of activities, so people feel more welcome to socialize and learn more about their peers. On November 15th for National Enterprise Day the FBLA group all went to different small businesses in town and bought something from them. We have a late start on Wednesday, so we all sat around a table and enjoyed our coffee and donuts as a chapter. Another thing we did as a chapter was host a thank you card night. A lot of the members in FBLA work with the elderly, so we wanted to make them Thanksgiving cards. We love to help make the little difference to help make their holidays just a little better. Overall, our chapter had an amazing November. I can’t wait for all the holiday cheer to come in the month of December.



Divide County:

This past month, the Divide County FBLA chapter was very busy! Our chapter members sold bed sheets as a fundraiser to help raise money for conference dues. We also had some returning members in our chapter go to our local coffee shop with our first year members to explain how they could get more involved in FBLA. Some members from our chapter went on a tour of one of the local businesses in town and got to visit with the business owner about what it is like to run a small business. We had several members compete in LifeSmarts, VBC and the fall Stock Market Game. We also finished and submitted our Shaping Success, as well as worked on our Go for ND Gold. Many of our members have gotten started on their BAAs and are close to completing them.





From the beginning of November to November 15th our chapter worked to prepare for our Market Day. The Market Day was from 11:00 to 12:30 and many customers came to buy scotcharoos, puppy chow, spaghetti, alfredo, Hawaiian drinks, fruit pizza, cupcakes, and fried pickles. The Market Day helped teach our members leadership and Entrepreneurship skills.
Then during the month of November our chapter President represented us and our state as a National Officer at NFLC. While she was at NFLC, our chapter started signing up for events to compete in at SLC. Our members also started their BAA’s as our chapter makes it a requirement to have finished one level in order to go to SLC.
Our officers have worked together to plan fundraisers that we will do in the next couple of months, as well as events that can help bring our community closer. Our chapter has also worked on getting this section of Champion Chapter done. For example, our reporter started writing letters to potential sponsors along with thank you letters to those who have already given their support to us again this year.
To end the month off, we planned our next monthly meeting to make sure that we can keep our chapter active and help them achieve their best.

Drake-Anamoose Middle School:

This month the Drake Anamoose Middle School FBLA chapter had a meeting on November 2nd, and we discussed our activities and what we liked about this year’s Fall Leadership Conference and our coffee shop schedules. We also talked about having our yearly lock-in in January and what activities we will be doing. Our chapter was thinking about doing a possible fundraiser for the Americam Heart Association in the community. Then we proceeded to discuss possibly hosting an “Adopt a senior citizen” in Harvey as well as having middle school do a market day to our elementary school, and what we’d sell, group with, and how we’d advertise. We then proceeded to end our meeting with a relay race with teams of two that would face many challenges together.



November was another busy month for our FBLA Members, as we worked on our annual Christmas Wreath fundraiser, and some other community projects. This year, we needed to make 400 bows, and assemble 335 wreaths and swags. Students work for a few weeks making bows in their spare time between classes, and before and/or after school. We were really fortunate with the weather this year and were able to assemble the wreaths outside on a wonderful Saturday afternoon. This limited the amount of cleanup that we needed to do.
We also prepare tickets for the local Lions Club. This is our way of thanking them for everything that they do for us. After tickets are printed, we cut them, organize them, and staple them together. It is another project that we try to work on when time allows.


Glen Ullin:

The Glen Ullin FBLA Chapter continued to work on our BAAs as well as celebrated American Enterprise Day. We had informal gatherings where the newer members of our chapter were introduced to the spring testing events. We continue to compete in the Stock Market Game where one of our teams has been in the top spot for two weeks. We participated in the Virtual Business Challenge. We have prepared for our December of Giving events including our yearly food drive for our food pantry and we are planning dress to impress days.


Grand Forks Central:

After a crazy busy October, FBLA activities are picking up again due to a busy adviser being involved in the football playoffs. The GFC FBLA Officers, met to go over items that were discussed at the Fall Leadership Conference. The group determined a date for our March of Dimes and American Heart Association Fundraiser, Reminded current members about professional dress, Discussed Go For Gold opportunities, BAA’s, and how we can increase members through recruitment.




On Thursday, November 9th we had our monthly officer meeting to plan for our all-chapter meeting as well as our event that we held to celebrate American Enterprise Day. We held our monthly all chapter meeting on November 20th. We discussed our upcoming events in December, recapped on our November event, and state events. On Wednesday, November 15th we held a school wide game of bingo to celebrate American Enterprise Day. Each student got a blank bingo card and filled each space in with facts about American Enterprise Day. In every classroom there was a FBLA member to instruct the students on what to do. Our president Parker Frei and our Vice Presidents Macee Smith and Payton Weisz called out the terms over the intercom throughout the school. The students had to race to the office if they had a bingo and the first to the office won if they had a good bingo. We played five rounds and gave out different bags of snacks for prizes. Our students had lots of fun with this event, and we hope to do it again!




Hillsboro FBLA had a busy month. We’ve had four nights of working on BAAs and figuring out which events we will do at State. We’ve been doing research on more of the competitive events. We are going to focus on the team events so that will be new for us and should be a lot of fun. We also had our Halloween dance on November 4 which was a great time! It was a good month for our FBLA chapter!




The Larimore High School Chapter of FBLA held an ice cream fundraiser for the North Dakota Cystic Fibrosis. $150 was raised for the ND Chapter of Cystic Fibrosis. Our Chapter was busy with Region Volleyball concessions the first week of November. Plans were made for our December activities which include a food drive, holiday bingo, 12-School Days of Raffle Ticket Give-Aways. FBLA members worked on their BAA/LEAD levels.



We visited Fort Lincoln Elementary School to celebrate American Enterprise Day. We met with the third grade classes and informed them of the importance of American Enterprise Day and did an activity with them to help them understand marketing and target markets. Mandan FBLA also held a Christmas Party where members made gingerbread houses, watched movies, and discussed chapter events.



During the month of November, the Mott-Regent FBLA chapter did a few exciting activities! One event that happened this month was our annual Little Caesar’s pizza and cookie sales which ended the second week of November. Not only did members have so much selling pizza and cookies, but we also earned an excellent profit off of the sales! It is nice to see this fundraising event still going strong. Another activity that our FBLA chapter did this month was a Thanksgiving themed coloring contest for students in the elementary. We handed variety of coloring pages to the different divisions to color the week of Thanksgiving. The coloring pages were then collected and judged by all FBLA members that week also. Awards and certificates were presented to the winners of each division. This was a fun activity that got all of our members along with Preschool – 6th grade, and even the teachers involved! We look forward to what the month of December entails. Happy holidays from our chapter to yours!



Our chapter started out the month strong with a bonding activity at Margie’s Art Glass Studio on November 4th. 12 of our members attended this and created ceramic artwork together. We were then fortunate enough to have some Business Battle winners. Our chapter also collectively finished all of the activities in the Shaping Success category and are working on completing all of our Service Season work. On November 15th, some of our Junior and Senior members volunteered at the REM to help serve thanksgiving dinner to the less fortunate of our community. We also contributed to cleaning and organization of the day. On November 17th, our chapter hosted a Varsity versus Varsity volleyball match between our varsity football players and volleyball players. 100% of our admission and 50/50 raffle money went to the March of Dimes foundation, of which we raised $304. Finally, we have put plans into action to work concession dates for more fundraising, our closest one occurring on Saturday the 9th; Services Season activities like presenting to our middle schoolers; registering for SLC events; and keeping up with our chocolate sales. Overall, the month of November was very eventful, and we are excited for what next month brings us!



Our chapter did turkey bingo, set up a game booth at a community event in town, we hosted work nights for a chapter members, and we participated in selling chocolates, jerky, and bingo at halftimes of games.


Shiloh Christian:

This month our chapter got busy planning events and completing service work. Some of our members also started practicing their events and completing their BAA forms! We had a couple of officer meetings and some group meetings. We designated one of our meeting days to play free rice for National Enterprise Day. We ended up donating over 17,000 grains of rice! We set dates down to work concessions in our school and started planning our Christmas party. Our member of the month was Skylee a freshman who we noticed was going above and beyond. That was basically everything the Shiloh Christian FBLA did this month.


South Heart:

Our chapter completed its first service project of the year! We joined up with the local Lions Club to partake in Operation Christmas Child. Members packed 24 shoeboxes with toiletries, school supplies, and a WOW item (which was provided by FBLA members). The boxes will be shipped out–worldwide–and will make some young child smile on Christmas Day!


The Stanley FBLA Chapter started with month out with a visit from our former State FBLA Webmaster, Jasmyn Giese. She joined us for our weekly meeting on November 3 and shared about her FBLA journey. She also encouraged members to run for office and to make the most of their FBLA experience. Members came together Sunday, November 5 to work on BAAs. We hold at least one BAA work night a year which members enjoy. We require members to complete one level of the BAAs to attend SLC and our current cutoff date is Christmas break.
Our FBLA chapter celebrated American Enterprise Day by visiting with the 6th grade classes at the elementary school. First, our Vice Presidents explained the importance of the American enterprise system. The elementary students then broke up into groups with a FBLA member and made a simple business plan for a hot chocolate stand. The goal was for students to see how easy it can be to raise money and start their own little business.



We had a bit of a break this month that we used to prepare. We started planning contests for SLC and started practicing for those contests. We also planned out some of the events that we our doing in our school for the Christmas season such as hat week and Santa days.


Thank you to all of the Chapters who submitted their news!