Take a look at what the chapters in 
NORTH DAKOTA are doing this month!


 Our FBLA Chapter had a very eventful November. The first week of November we helped serve the Lion’s Supper at the legion. The Lions Club surprised us with a $300 donation. We also got together one night to work on our BAA’s, get ready for Santa Day, and we had a pizza party. The month of November was filled with planning for Santa Day which took place at the school. We decorated before we left for Thanksgiving break. We all participated in making bars or cookies for our free-will bake sale during Santa Day. On November 26, we hosted Santa Day from 1 pm-3 pm and it was very fun. We had lots of games such as bucket ball, mini golf, balloon darts, and face paintings. The gym was filled with happy kids. Santa was there from 1:30-2:30. And we had a surprise guest…The Grinch! Only our advisors knew the Grinch would be making an appearance. It was a nice change and very unexpected! We could not have put on Santa Day without the help from our local Chamber of Commerce. We also teamed up with FFA to do our local Pizza and Fruit Fundraiser. This was a very successful month for our chapter.

Burke Central:

Burke Central FBLA has had a busy month in November. We worked hard on volunteering our time this month. One activity we completed was the Great Plains Food Bank truck. Our members donated our time to unload the truck and distribute food to members of our community. The weather was cold but we worked hard to keep warm! Another activity we did was celebrate American Enterprise Day. We did a combined activity with our 5-6 grade students. We formed groups of 5 students and came up with an idea for a new drink. We had to design the can, decide on flavors, where and how to market our product, and produce a 30 second commercial about our drink. We had a lot of fun working with our future FBLA members. We also sold beef jerky this month to help fundraise for state and national conferences. We started a pajama drive that will finish up in December.


Central Valley:

For the month of November our chapter was involved in many beneficial activities. Our chapter participated in a local business tour at Valley United CO-OP in Reynolds. At this tour, we were shown the office building as well as storage units and the grain elevator. We also got to speak with a wide range of employees: business personnel, truck drivers, and laborers. About a week before this, an HR employee from Valley United came to a meeting to tell us about her job. This month we also got to speak with a State Officer, Hanson Du, about what being a states officer is all about.


In November the FBLA Dickinson students were awarded shaping success. The students created thank you and greeting cards for Veterans, celebrated American Enterprise day by buying items from small businesses, organized an Ice skating party so members could get to know each other, and started a secret Santa exchange.


We had a chapter meeting to get our members ready for our Market Day. And the officers also had a lunch meeting to go over the program of work the next month. Next we had our Market Day in honor of American Enterprise Day. An article was featured in Velva Area Voice, The Herald Press, and The Mouse River Journal to talk about FLC and the upcoming Market Day.

At the Market day members sold a variety of goods. The favorites were pizza, bread, cheese curds, milkshakes, and the Marvel drink. Many of the staff members and students came to support the members and to eat delicious foods. There was also many people from the public that came to check it out and said they were pleased.

After Market Day the members submitted surveys on how much they made and how successful they thought they were.

An article has been sent out to be featured in the papers listed above in the next week.

There was also another meeting on November 28th, 2022 to get ready for the next month and our annual lock in. On December 9th the Drake-Anamoose FBLA members will be hosting a lock in for our members to celebrate and be locked in the school.

At the meeting we also talked about the Market Day and what went right and what went wrong. And we also had a team building exercise to get the members to get out of their box and try new things.

Drake-Anamoose Middle School:

In the month of November we had two meetings and one event. In the first meeting we talked about Market Day and gave members a chance to to get things set up for it. Market Day was on the 16th and all of the Middle School members were involved. Our last meeting was on the 28th and we started it with an ice breaker and then talked about how Market Day went. Then we talked about our Christmas party lock-in. We also wore purple on the 30th for prematurity.


Glen Ullin:

The Glen Ullin FBLA chapter spent November working on some fun projects. Our members played the Stock Market Game. We participated in the virtual business challenge and we had one member finish in the top ten. Our members also began their BAAs. Our Bearcat shirts from the fundraiser were delivered. Our members sorted and handed them out to all who ordered. We started to prepare for our December fundraisers and are looking forward to raising a lot of money for a student in need.



Week-long Community Service Project of Education Week our Committee planned the following events:
Monday, set up a volleyball match between HS and Elementary Teachers
Tuesday~Taco About How Awesome Our Teachers Are
Members brought items for Tacos for lunch for teachers and staff
Served lunch for the teachers during lunchtime.
Wednesday~Rooting for Our Teachers
Provided Root beer Floats for all the teachers and staff and distributed it.
Thursday Coupon Day
Provided coupons for the teacher and extra Jeans Day and Duty-Free Lunch Day.
Friday~Door Hangs distribution
Members provided teachers with refreshments and snacks for the day.

Toured the local business Jimmy’s Pizza’s.

Started selling pizzas for our local chapter fundraiser and completed our fundraiser and sold over 1100, and met our goal of 1000.

Had several meetings throughout the month a general meeting, officer meetings, committee meetings for Project Awareness and Community Service Projects, and a study group.

Had a Study Event where members came and studied for State testing, worked on project reports, and worked on BAA’s.

Reviewed our budget and made revisions.

Set up a project for a need for our community drive where we will be donating items to the local food pantry.

Members have been working on BAA’s and we have 4 that have been completed and 2 more that are almost completed.

Working on reports:
Partnership with a Business
Annual Business Report
Digital Scrapbook
Community Service Project

Did presentation to the Middle School about what American Enterprise is and had them do a fun activity.

Did a presentation to the Middle School on the importance of joining FBLA and why consider joining in Junior High.

We have nine Stock Market teams, members who check them on a regular basis.

Completed Shaping for Success and submitted 1700 points.

Working on Service Season currently have completed 7 out of the 12 as of submission. On track to complete all 12.

Submitted donations for American Association from the Vending Machine Sales

Submitted donations for March for Dimes from our Lollipop Sales

Our Chapter has completed 10 activities to go for ND Gold.



We conducted our first fundraiser selling Believe Kids! products. Some of the items sold by this company included clothing, soups, wrapping paper, candy, etc. Each student’s goal was to raise $150. Our chapter goal was $4,000 in sales, and we surpassed that goal! All items have been delivered.
We have been getting new inventory in for our FBLA school store, and have multiple reorders on stadium chairs. We received profits from our apparel pre-orders and will be restocking our inventory with the new merchandise! Members have created new apparel designs and will be pressing these in the next few weeks.
All members have signed up for at least one competitive event for our State Leadership Conference. Our members have started working on their projects and have made time to work on their projects ahead of time to ensure they are ready for the State Leadership Conference.
The chapter worked concessions and the funds raised for this will contribute to our chapter’s Project Awareness project which will benefit the South Central Transit Unit.
We scheduled a Professional Dress day for American Enterprise Day to celebrate the American Free Enterprise system.
Moving forward with a Bake Sale at both the K-4 and 5-12 music concerts to raise money to attend conferences such as the state leadership conference.
We served hot chocolate at the Community Center during the annual Light Up the Night community celebration to which we also will be putting the money forth to attend conferences.

May-Port CG:

This month our chapter went on a tour of Microsoft! A few members of the Microsoft team had a panel discussing their jobs, the perks of the company, and answering questions about their careers. After the tour, our chapter went to Suite Shots. This was our way of celebrating American Enterprise Day. We also started a member-of-the-month program this month. Our high school winner was Oliver Marquart and our middle school winner was Sarah Jones.



During the month of November, we continued our fundraising efforts. All members participated in a Kuchen fundraiser. These sales will proceed through the middle of December and will be put towards SLC. The week of Thanksgiving, our chapter enjoyed a pizza luncheon and hearing from a guest speaker. We would like to give a huge thanks to former FBLA member and Mott-Regent student, Blake Rafferty, for his time spent with us!! He is currently pursuing a career in meteorology at the age of 21. Blake shared how his experience as an FBLA member has impacted where he is today and where he is going. Our chapter and school are in the process of partnering with the American Heart Association to partake in the Jump Rope for Heart event. We are eager to kick off our holiday season activities in December! Happy holidays from our chapter to yours!



During the month of November our FBLA chapter had a more planning based month. We used this month to make plans for our upcoming months. We had a work day where 7 members attended and we picked out our events for state this year and worked on our BAA’s. Most of our members have finished the first level and some are working hard at the next ones. Some of our members also went to a hockey game as a bonding activity! We all had lots of fun together!! We also worked very hard on planning some upcoming community service for the coming month! We plan to do so much for these next few months and really do our best at state this year!


Our FBLA chapter had many fun events going on during November. We started our March of Dimes fundraiser in the school by putting on coin wars for all grades K-12, where the class with the most change wins a pizza party. We also started getting things prepared for our annual, town favorite winter carnival, which the community is already buzzing about! On top of that, with boys’ and girls’ basketball season starting up, we’ve started selling bingo tickets at home games. We’re looking forward to this next month, with many fun things planned for the month of December and Christmas.

Red River:

We had a combined holiday party, Secret Santa, and BAA worktime! We all met after school and exchanged gifts, ate some yummy food, and worked on the BAAs. Experienced members were able to assist the new ones, and it all went really well!



Our chapter has been very busy during this month of November! We started off strong with an officer meeting on Wednesday the 2nd to discuss our plans for the month. The following week our wreaths came in from our fundraiser the month prior. The officers and a couple of other members who were able got to work sorting the wreaths into piles for each member. Wreath sales this year were a huge success. As a chapter we sold 344 wreaths, and in total we collected $10,881.50! To end our month we had a FBLA tshirt/color day and a professional dress day.

South Heart:

This November we joined forces with our local Lion’s Club and prepared 24 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Our members were in charge of getting one “WOW” gift for each shoe box. Then we packed them with our fun gift and other essentials, such as toiletries and basic school supplies. These boxes are then sent off to less fortunate youth across our great nation!

I loved watching our members come together and understand the importance of giving during this holiday season! One student even said “I am smiling thinking about the kid who gets to open this box.” They took pride in the community service project and showed a beautiful side of kindness and giving to others!


Stanley FBLA starts each month with a chapter meeting and this month was no different. Members met November 1 at 8:10 am in Mrs. Evensvold’s classroom and committees met with their adviser throughout the month to make and finalize plans. On November 10, the committee members for the food pantry community service project bought and delivered DQ Blizzards to the winning class. Collectively, they were able to donate 592 items to the Stanley food pantry. Our popcorn from our fundraiser last month was delivered and we raised about $2,000 to go towards the State Leadership Conference.

Reagan H. placed second nationally in the Business Battle Accounting and Financial Management competition and first in North Dakota. Four other members from Stanley placed in their events in North Dakota.
Stanley hosted American Enterprise Day activities at the elementary with the 5th and 6th grade classes. The three committee members for this project planned a lesson and lined up volunteers for the six classes so they would all run at the same time. Students at the elementary first took a career interest survey then played career Bingo. When students got a Bingo, they could pick a snack that we provided. We received great feedback from the elementary teachers and plan to come back next year. All members wore our new FBLA shirts during this lesson.

The March of Dimes committee planned a bake sale for November 17. All members brought baked good items and our school store FBLA members sold them during student lunches. We raised $400 for the March of Dimes that day. Later that night, we had a BAA work night for all members. We met in Mrs. Evensvold’s room and ate pizza while we navigated the new BAA website. So far, seven members have completed a level with more to come!

Sadly, some things don’t always go as planned. We had a college visit and a guest speaker who both had to reschedule. To keep up with our chapter, follow our Instagram @stanleyfbla.


In November, the FBLA members spent many hours preparing for their American Enterprise Project. On November 30th, the chapter visited the two 6th grade classes and presented a lesson on budgeting and recording transactions in a check register. They also had the students create fun piggy banks.

Other members have started a gift drive in which they are collecting donations for the Tioga Long Term Care Center as a Community Service Project. In December, they will host a “free shopping day” in which the residents can select gifts from the options provided to give to their loved ones and the FBLA members will wrap the presents up.

As a Partnership with Business Project, other members have organized fun activities to assist with the Magical Main Street festivities that will be held on December 3rd. There will be a coloring contest, Christmas book reading, and scavenger hunt.

For a fundraiser opportunity, a few members had a fun experience setting up Christmas decorations for a local business. In December, members will return to that business to help cater their employee Christmas party as well as take down the decorations in January.

Thank you to all of the Chapters who submitted their news!