Take a look at what the chapters in
NORTH DAKOTA are doing this month!


During the month of November our chapter held two of our largest fundraisers of the year. We sold frozen pizza and fresh fruit in conjunction with our FFA chapter. The students did great with their sales this year! Also, we were able to hold our Santa Day Carnival for the first time since 2018. It was exciting to bring this back to our community once again! Carnival games and activities for kids along with a visit from Santa. It is a great community event while also being a good fundraiser. Earlier in the month our students had a community service opportunity by helping serve and clean up for our local Lions club at their annual steak supper.


During the Month of November, the Bowbells FBLA Chapter worked diligently on fundraising and community outreach, as well as participating in the Service Season part of Champion Chapter and getting a head start on the Go for ND Gold activities. On November 14, we held a pancake breakfast along with a bake sale for our community. Members parent’s greatly helped out as well as many awesome community members. At the breakfast, we served pancakes, French toast, scrambled eggs, sausage, and for drinks we offered water, orange juice, and coffee. Items sold at the bake sale included pies, scotcharoos, caramel apples, cakes, and much more! The money raised will go toward attending the 2021 FBLA State Conference and National Conference. Following that, on November 19, we invited a parent to come and speak about her experiences of having a premature baby, who is actually a member of our FBLA Chapter! She raised awareness for World Prematurity Day and educated the students of our school about the importance of it and what it truly means to care for a premature infant. Furthermore, we have volunteered to serve soup, sandwiches, and bars at our vender show on December 4th and have spent the final days in November preparing for it by asking businesses for donations and getting all of the necessary supplies.


During the month of November, the Carrington Chapter held an officer meeting to discuss upcoming events. We held an all-member meeting and wore purple for prematurity awareness. We had FBLA t-shirt days and professional dress days.


Celebrating Entrepreneurship and the March of Dimes were the main focus for the Divide County Chapter during November. Some of the activities included daily facts about the MOD and planning a program at the elementary school. A Race for the March of Dimes was held at both schools this year. The elementary students were educated about the March of Dimes on November 22. Purple feet were sold at both schools November 22-30. All students were asked to wear purple on November 17. A dodgeball tournament was also held to raise funds for this organization.
Entrepreneurship was taught and practiced during November 1 – 5. Members developed food booths to sell to the student body and community members. Four booths were developed and they were required to give 40% of their net profit to a charitable or community organization.
November 17, members helped raise funds for the local Moose Lodge. We sponsored this event for $200 which went to help cover the Burger Night burgers. Members brought sides and deserts. This event ran from 5:30 – 7:30 pm and members were busy taking orders, clearing plates, refilling sides, etc.
The American Heart Association Committee has been working on awareness and fundraising to begin in January. There have been several work nights this month to work on the BAAs. Collin Ferguson, from the First National Bank & Trust of Crosby came to speak about the importance of Credit. This was the American Enterprise Day activity. Members have begun picking out their events for state and working on completing the Service Challenge along with chapter t-shirts being handed out.


On November 15th, the FBLA chapter celebrated American Enterprise Day by hosting our very own little market day. The chapter broke off into groups and they sold their very own products. Some products that were sold were pretzels, milkshakes, spaghetti, cheese curds, and bars. On November 17th, the students and staff wore purple to help celebrate Prematurity Awareness Day. On the 29th, we had a chapter meeting. There we discussed concessions, lock in and Christmas party, start picking events out for state, and make thank you cards for our local fire departments. At our meeting we also had a guest speaker who was a state FBLA officer, two time state PBL officer, a former Drake- Anamoose FBLA officer, and a pervious Big Four account who now works for a smaller accounting company.


This month Drake-Anamoose Middle Level continued to work at DA Perks, and we had market day where we sold food, and the most profit by one group was $70. We had our November meeting where we talked about BAA, LEADS, our Christmas party, concessions, and events for state.


In November the Enderlin Chapter of FBLA has been working on our Service Season activities. Business Achievement Awards (4 members completed a level), and started our pizza fundraiser (sales were over $4,000). We also did the prep work for our Lil’ Shopper’s Shoppe holiday store which was on December 4. 


In the beginning of November, our chapter had a Halloween party. We invited our principal, Mr. Strandell, to attend the party. Our members played various games such as pictionary and bingo. The chapter officers held a meeting to plan a Holiday party that will be held on December 8th. We had another member meeting to inform our members about March of Dimes, our Holiday party, and the Business Achievement Awards. We also touched on recruiting more members before Holiday break and the incentive to the person who recruits the most members prior to the day we get out.


Our chapter was very busy this month working on Service Season projects. Selling pizza which we sold over 500 pizzas for our major fundraiser.We celebrated American Enterprise Day with having some of our members do a presentation to the 5-8 graders, having an essay contest and selecting a winner. We completed our Project Awareness doing Red Ribbon Week. We had dress-up days for the whole school. Having a guest speaker talk about her life story with substance abuse, and the National Guard came with their scooter and sobriety goggles.


MPCG FBLA had a very busy month of November! FBLA Members had a very special gathering at the Delchar Theater in Mayville to watch a special early show of the new Ghostbusters movie. At the event, we had a few MPCG FBLA alumni come and speak about life after high school and how they could get involved in groups like PBL and DECA. Members also packed bags for the local Feed My Starving Children event in Mayville. Our annual Raffle Ticket sales began the week of Thanksgiving!


During the month of November our chapter was busy. At the last meeting we picked out our events for state leadership conference and started throwing out ideas for FBLA week. Our school store committee has been working on designing, making, and selling shirts for our school store. Since basketball season has started we have been playing bingo at every halftime time as a fundraiser. Our Monday night football booklets are still being played this month and our winners have been ecstatic when they get the winning call! We also had an amazing turn out for our first professional dress day!

Thank you to all of the Chapters who submitted their news!