Take a look at what the chapters in
NORTH DAKOTA are doing this month!

Ashley High School:

This month, the Ashley FBLA chapter has been busy with several activities. First, the chapter held both a meeting and Professional Dress Day on the eleventh to plan out the month ahead. To start the new year off on a high note, our friends at Green Iron Equipment began a sponsorship with the FBLA chapter. As a sign of gratitude, the chapter made a post on social media expressing their sincere appreciation for their generosity.

The chapter is still pursuing Gold Status with five level-one and six level-two activities completed. One of the requirements of the “Go for Gold” is a 20%-chapter completion rate of a BAA level. To create an opportunity for the chapter’s busy students to advance with their respective levels, a BAA work night was held on the seventeenth of the month.

The chapter attended the Valley City State Emerging Leaders Competition, held on Wednesday, January 25. There, five members took tests and participated in role-play events helping to prepare them for similar events at the SLC taking place in March. Christopher Pfeifle received second place for his Banking and Financial Systems Case Study.

The chapter is currently holding a “Penny War” from the 30th of January until February 3rd to help raise money in support of the American Heart Association. The chapter has reached out to both the Hometown Credit Union and McIntosh County Bank to team up with the school to wear red in support of the American Heart Association. This showed that the AHA’s purpose was supported not only at the Ashley Public School, but around the community, too.


Our chapter this month was dedicated about getting all forms and dues payed as well as deciding on the events all our members will be participating in at state. As officers we had a meeting communicating about the agenda and how we would like to organize sign up sheets for activities we were holding in the month of January. We had an all chapter meeting where we handed out all the forms and then discussed what state would look like this year. As a chapter we planned an activity called chuck-a-duck during four home basketball games. We sell ducks for a dollar and bring prizes for kids to throw their ducks at. They throw their ducks at the prize of their choice on the gym floor. The closest person’s duck to the prize wins, it’s a great way to promote and fundraise for FBLA in our school. We will continue to do chuck-a-duck through FBLA week.

Dickinson High School:

During the month of January, our main goal was to get our chapter prepared for the competition in April. We had a meeting to go over what events people were doing and the criteria they needed to achieve by the deadline. We have a lot of new members that joined FBLA this year so we want them to feel prepared and ready for their first year to compete. We also had a pizza party to start the new year off right with our chapter. The members need to feel comfortable with each other and feel like a community so we love opportunities to hang out as one. This month has been amazing with the members and I can’t wait for this year to compete!

Divide County:

This month, Divide County FBLA has been busy. We participated in fundraising events for the American Heart Association, organized FBLA week to be executed this coming week, polished up chapter reports, and submitted BAAs for state recognition. Our officer team met a few times over the course of this month for planning, organizing, and making sure everyone was on the same page. We also hosted an all member meeting this month to discuss state and state forms. Our community service committee also hosted a clothing drive this month for our community. They then donated the leftover clothes to thrift stores in Minot. We are currently setting up work nights as well for the members to work on their competitive events for state.

Drake-Anamoose Middle School:

This month we had a really busy month with our coffee shop. It is open after lunch periods on Wednesday and in the morning on Fridays. We also had a zoom meeting on the 30th. We talked about FBLA week and what we are doing to celebrate that week. On Monday we decided that it is motivator Monday and we will be dressing up as our idols. There will also be a member appreciation breakfast for all the members. Tuesday is is future career day and we have to dress up as what we want our future career to be. Wednesday is workforce Wednesday where we will wear our professional dress clothes, and a staff appreciation breakfast. Thursday we will wear our FBLA chapter t-shirts, and the officers will be visiting the elementary school. Friday we will have a scavenger hunt and dress as anything that reminds you of Georgia.

Glen Ullin:

The month of January found the Glen Ullin FBLA chapter getting back into the swing of things after the long break! We worked hard to plan our upcoming FBLA week and planned a local business career fair for the students at our school. We also planned a food pantry war to collect goods for our local food pantry. Our members completed their BAAs and submitted

Grand Forks Central:

This past month we welcomed the new year with a membership drive during our early FBLA Week. We decided to move it up a couple weeks so that we can get students interested and registered in time before the deadline. It worked well as we got about 10 more students interested in attending and competing at the SLC.

Our early FBLA Week was celebrated during or schools Snow Week with dress up days and we encouraged FBLA members to dress the same or as a group. We then had special events in the FBLA classroom after school such as SLC planning and prep, Games to win prizes, business talk (where we talk about business concepts and strategies), and planned events at the SLC.


Worked for 3 Basketball concessions and cleaned up after the games.

Working on the following projects:
Annual Business Report
Community Service Project
Partnership with Business
Project Awareness
Business Financial Planning

We attended Emerging Leadership Competition and we took 2nd place overall. We had 26 members attend the competition 9-12 grade.

We created a week-long event for FBLA Week with fun activities for our members, school and staff.

We are working on CTE Celebration.

We secured a speaker to come and talk to our members for FBLA.

Mandan High School:

Mandan FBLA Students participated in Emerging Business Leaders in Valley City. Our school tied for 1st place overall at the conference.

May-Port CG:

Throughout the month of January, the May-Port CG FBLA Chapter stayed busy. Our annual raffle ticket fundraiser concluded bringing in just under $10,000. These funds are what help pay for our members to attend the state leadership conference each year. This fundraiser has been a staple to the MPCG FBLA chapter for over 20 years.
The chapter also held a chapter trivia night. This event has been popular among our members as it brings out some competitiveness among our members. Teams are comprised of 5 members and compete in a variety of questions of trivia. Categories included pop culture, travel, and random facts. Members also turned the event into a potluck to take pressure off the officers who tend to always prepare snacks.
Members also continued fundraising at our basketball games by holding 50/50 Bingo! This event generates roughly $100 in profit at each event.
Towards the end of January, 42 members attended the Valley City Emerging Business Leaders Day. This year our members competed in written events only. MPCG FBLA had 5 members place in the events they competed in.
Members also finalized registration for the state conference. Members had one last opportunity to switch events before registration was submitted. Many members are branching out and trying new opportunities this year.
Lastly, members began competing in the Spring Virtual Business Challenge and Lifesmarts Challenge.


What a busy month we had at Mott-Regent! In January, our chapter enjoyed lunch meetings, which we utilized very well. We were able to continue our SLC preparation and discussed BAA opportunities. In addition to SLC and BAA preparation, we planned a whole week of super fun activities for FBLA week February 5-11, 2023!! Being that American Heart Association is North Dakota’s state service partner this year, our goal for FBLA week is to promote American Heart Association within our school and community. Check out the Mott-Regent FBLA Facebook page to see all the fun we have planned for this year’s FBLA week! Another great opportunity our chapter had this month was to give back to the Slope-Hettinger SCD. On January 21st, members of our chapter served at the Slope-Hettinger Soil Conservation Winter Ball in Regent at the Enchanted Castle. It was a great opportunity to connect with members of the community at such a fun event!


Our officer team has been hard at work completing more activities for Go For Gold this month. We still have a lot left to do, but we are so proud of the progress we’ve made! At the beginning of the month, the members all picked out their event, so we can begin practices. The other main thing we’ve focused on during January is getting ready for FBLA week. We have a lot planned and we can’t wait to celebrate national FBLA week in February. Our biggest event will be our march of dimes fundraiser where our officer team will be pied in the face!

South Heart:

I am so proud of this group. This month they have committed to their competitive events and started preparing for them. Next week we are having a pizza and practice party so we can all be in the same room while working on our events! We also have had a few professional dress days to show off our organization!


Stanley FBLA sold suckers as a fundraiser in January to raise money for our chapter. Members worked on completing their BAAs and over 50 percent of our chapter has at least one level completed. We decorated cookies at our chapter meeting and focused on picking events for state and preparing our chapter reports for SLC.


During the month of January, the Tioga chapter toured the Tioga City Hall and Police Department. This tour was originally planned for December, but was rescheduled due to weather. The members were able to meet with the city auditor, deputy auditors, commission president, multiple police officers, and detective. It was a great educational experience as well as entertaining for the chapter members.

The members have also been busy working on their LEAD/BAA awards, preparing for their competitive events, and fundraising. They look forward to the fun activities and dress up days they have planned for FBLA week. They have a plan to raise awareness of FBLA, FFA, and FCCLA at the elementary by having a combined CTSO week. Our goal is to have FBLA members visit with the classes to explain each organization, share the benefits, and encourage them to join in the future.

Finally, they look forward to hosting a free will donation pancake breakfast open to the community during FBLA week in which there will be posters with FBLA facts and chapter information.


During the month of January, chapter meetings have been devoted to planning for FBLA Week and the upcoming State Leadership Conference. We are looking forward to celebrating FBLA Week and raising awareness of FBLA in our school and community. We are also planning study sessions for competitive events during February and March.


Thank you to all of the Chapters who submitted their news!