Take a look at what the chapters in NORTH DAKOTA are doing this month!


February was a busy and exciting month for our chapter! Right away at the beginning of the month, our chapter submitted SLC registration and had two members submit their state officer applications. We had a great time celebrating FBLA Week with holding our chuck-a-duck fundraising game every day for our high school students – the students love participating for a chance to win prizes. Our chapter is happy to share that we were able to donate over $200 to the Alzheimer’s Association from the profits from chuck-a-duck! During FBLA Week, our chapter also participated in ND’s FBLA Spirit Day, had a professional dress day, and held an FBLA social for our chapter at our local bowling alley. We also held a competitive event/BAA & LEAD work day for members to work on their state events and finish up their BAA/LEAD levels. Our chapter finished the month with completing Champion Chapter activities and Go for ND Gold.

Drake Anamoose:

High School:

This month the Drake-Anamoose was incredibly busy! They were in the coffee shop and concessions many times this month as well as celebrating FBLA Week. There was a guest speaker for that week all the way from Spain. They were a family candy business that exports allover the world. The Chapter also had a member and staff breakfast provided by the chapter.


Middle School:

We held our annual monthly meeting this is where we covered all the upcoming events. We also had a couple worknights & coffee shops.


Grand Forks Central:

FBLA students traveled to Bismarck, ND to present to state legislatures at the CTE in Memorial Hall event. Students did a fantastic job presenting information about business education classes offered at Grand Forks Central High School, mainly Video Production Classes.

Students continued to work on SLC events and prepare for their events. Kendra Kuznia worked on her candidacy information for Region 1 Vice President. We also submitted our application for Go For North Dakota Silver. Although our goal was to go for Gold, we are happy to hopefully receive Silver.


During February, the Hazen chapter celebrated FBLA week. We did many activities during the week including a blue and gold or professional dress day. We also held a school wide game where students could complete an FBLA strands game and bring it to Mrs. Smith’s room for a prize. We have been preparing for state and working on our events as well.


This month was a fun month. We hosted games and had many different activities during FBLA week! We also did our annual pizza fundraiser to help raise money for the State Leadership Conference. We also did testing for State and also had various work nights preparing for events at State. February is always a busy month.

May-Port CG:

During February, MPCG FBLA has been working hard on finishing projects and meeting deadlines! Throughout the month, many chapter projects have been submitted, including Scrapbook, Local Annual Chapter Business Report, Community Service Project, American Enterprise Project, Project Awareness, and Partnership with a Business. We also had many teams compete this month in Lifesmarts and VBC with one team placing first in the state and qualifying for Nationals in the Finance track, way to go! Our Chapter also kicked off FBLA week strong with the start of a coin war fundraiser and fun dress up days. We had days like “red out” for the AHA, and each day officers put treats in members’ lockers showing the value that they hold within our chapter. Overall MPCG FBLA has had a great month and we can’t wait for the next.


During the month of January, Nedrose FBLA hosted a Professional Dress Day and Chapter Work Day where a share of new members completed their BAA/LEAD awards. Our chapter also received a new shipment of World’s Finest Chocolate to help raise money. Members have continued to have chapter meetings every other week during the month of January. At these meetings we have been working to plan for FBLA week and events to compete in at SLC. We are looking forward to the February and all that comes with getting ready for SLC.


The highlight of February for Stanley FBLA was celebrating FBLA Week. On Monday, eligible sophomores who completed at least one level of the BAAs this year were invited to tour Williston State College. This was a great experience for our group and 13 sophomores got to embark on the WSC experience. On Tuesday, Stanley FBLA partnered with the rest of the state and wore blue and gold. Our CPR leaders taught hands-only CPR to the freshmen during their Physical Education class and were able to train almost 60 new people in hands-only CPR. On Wednesday, FBLA alumni, Tess Jarmin, spoke with our chapter at our morning meeting. Members who participated in this meeting traveled to the elementary on Thursday to help the first graders decorate their bags for their Valentine’s Day party. To wrap up the week, FBLA members searched for the hidden FBLA emblems around the school to turn them in for some sweet treats.


This month, Wishek FBLA participated in a variety of activities. Started the month off with a meeting to discuss progress and practices for competitive events. Our officer team met after the meeting to discuss the program of work and the plan/schedule for SLC. We started having more frequent practices for competitive events during this month as well. To celebrate FBLA week, we sold Italian sodas over lunch throughout the week. After counting the money, it was determined that we raised over $600 throughout the week. Our chapter is looking forward to SLC and is hoping to do our best.



Thank you to all of the Chapters who submitted their news!