take a look at what the chapters in
NORTH DAKOTA are doing this month!

Ashley High School:

This February our FBLA Chapter was very busy! We participated in many activities including American Heart Association fundraising where we raised money by doing a penny war with our elementary and a coin collection with our high school which was January 30th -February 3rd. At the end of the week we also did a “Wear red day” in our school to help support AHA. On February 1st, we also went on a business tour to our local hair salon, Perfextion, and we got to learn how they started and what they do to maintain their customers. With our winners, from the penny war and coin collection, we did an ice cream party on February 16, which was a blast to hang out with the 4th and 8th grade classes. In this month, we have done a lot to prepare for State in April. We have done Life Smarts and our whole chapter has finished their BAA level which puts use one step closer of reaching or goal of going for gold!


This month as a chapter we had so much fun celebrating national FBLA week! To fundraise and bring awareness to our chapter during FBLA week we had chuck a duck during 3 basket ball games during halftime. Where anyone from the community can buy a duck for a dollar and chuck it at any prize they see on the gym court. We did the same activity during IE for all students in our school. We then had a chapter meeting finalizing all state plans and began introducing the state agenda. Juliet Davis has began her campaign to run for region IV Vice President. We are so excited to have another Carrington Chapter member run for an office position. This past month was packed full of work days for our officers trying to complete gold chapter and the scrap book, as well as our younger members trying to complete their BAA’s.

Divide County:

Divide County FBLA has had a very busy month. First, the officer team worked on finishing up the fourth Champion Chapter Challenge, CTE Celebration. We also had a committee host a clothing drive for our community that they created a report for and submitted for our chapter’s Community Service Project. Our Project Awareness committee was also very busy setting up fundraisers and awareness for the AHA in our community and schools. DC FBLA also celebrated FBLA week this month participating in a wear red for AHA day on Monday, ice cream social for treat Tuesday, teacher’s appreciation lunch on Wednesday, wear your favorite sports jersey for Thursday, and show off your FBLA spirit for Friday. Among these fun activities, DC FBLA has submitted projects for Digital Scrapbook, Local Chapter Annual Business Report, Community Service Project, and Project Awareness. We also pushed all members to complete at least one BAA level before the state deadline. This motivation promoted most of our members to complete a level. Another activity DC FBLA participated in was spring LifeSmarts and VBC. We also have two local officers running for state office. The first is running for parliamentarian and has been studying thoroughly throughout the month and the second is running for region II VP so she has been working with her campaign managers to get ready for state!


Drake-Anamoose Middle School:

In the month of February we had one meeting. It was on the 23 and we worked on our Leads and BAAs. Numerous people got them done that day. We had a FBLA themed dress up week for FBLA week. We did things like member and staff appreciation breakfast and went to the elementary school to talk to them about FBLA.

Larimore high school:

The LHS FBLA celebrated CTE Month and FBLA Week during the month of February. Activities were planned for FBLA Week to promote FBLA and encourage membership in FBLA. Some activities were a free basket raffle for students and staff, FBLA Trivia Wheel during lunch, FBLA Bingo, Soft-Serve Ice Cream Sales for AHA and gift bags for our FBLA Members.

During CTE Month, FBLA and FFA joined together to promote involvement in the CTSO’s and CTE Classes. The FBLA and FFA officers organized a CTE Pep Rally, where students and staff competed in various events. A great time was had by all!


Mandan FBLA Chapter held a successful week with the following activities:
Monday – Cookie Sale
Tuesday – Professional Dress Day
Wednesday – Candy Count
Thursday – FBLA Logo Search
Friday – Hat Day


February was a great month here at Mott-Regent. We started off strong with celebrating National FBLA week February 5-11. To honor and promote the American Heart Association and FBLA, we planned an action-packed week of heart related activities. It’s safe to say that we got the community and whole school involved in FBLA week! We had a kickoff assembly at which the elementary grades were presented information about heart health. Members also sold suckers to students, staff, and people of the community. The chapter did a professional dress day. The FACS class made delicious heart shaped cookies that members delivered to all students and staff. Another super fun activity was presenting PowerPoints to the elementary about heart health and why it’s so important. Along with FBLA week, members participated in the acalympics and completed BAAs.


This month was one for the books! Our chapter had an amazing FBLA week full of activities. Monday we had a spotlight for our wonderful officer team as well as our newest members in the middle-level division. On Tuesday, we had a t-shirt/FBLA colors day. Wednesday we all dressed in our professional best. On Thursday, we celebrated our teachers with handwritten notes from each member for teacher appreciation day. And to finish out our week we hosted a pie the officers fundraiser that lasted the 10-16th. For this fundraiser, we sold purple hearts to the students and faculty for $1. These hearts were put on the wall to track our progress throughout the week. Everyone that donated towards this fundraiser got to pick one of our four officers, Karady Evans, Vanessa Oase, Chloe Eaton, or Emily Kline, to donate the money under. Then their name was put in a drawing to get to be one of the people that pied the officers! For every $25 donated under an officer’s name, they were pied in the face. Additionally, We got our school administration involved, as they agreed to also be pied in the face if we raised above $300. In the end, we raised $642, with our officer team in total being pied 24 times and both our principals getting pied once each! Every dollar we raised, will be donated to the March of Dimes Organization. This fundraiser was such a blast for the students, teachers, officers, and everyone else involved. The kids loved being able to pie the officer team and we hope to do this again next year!



The Stanley FBLA chapter was busy during the month of February. Five members traveled to Bismarck to share their projects at CTE in Memorial Hall. Members and adviser left on February 5 and spent some bonding time in Bismarck eating together and shopping. On Monday, February 6, members woke up early and set up their table in Memorial Hall at the State Capitol. Macee Jones, State Treasurer, represented FBLA for the state, McKenna Jones shared her business plan board, and Corra Bell, Ella Mortensen, and Lara Lane shared our chapter’s American Enterprise project with the visiting legislators. Our members also watched some of the state legislative session in progress and were able to meet the governor.

All FBLA members met in Mrs. Evensvold’s classroom February 7 for breakfast pizza and FBLA trivia. Lara won first plan and received a $20 gift card to the school store. All members also wore their FBLA shirts this day to promote FBLA in our school.

The rest of FBLA week was filled with guest speakers and business tours. Krista Bell spoke with our chapter about the many businesses she owns and what it takes to be a business owner. Megan Colbenson, owner of West End Boutique, shared her experience of starting a new business and how she promotes on social media. We went to Lostwood Media in town where Gina Footh shared about her video/photography business. Gina has made many movies which are published on Netflix and Amazon. She also creates commercials for businesses, records music, and more.

After FBLA week, members completed their tests for SLC. Members continued work on their projects and campaigns for SLC and make plans for our chapter. We are also planning fundraising opportunities to raise money for NLC. Our chapter submitted the necessary items for CTE Celebration, completing all four chapter challenges for the year. Middle School also submitted activities for the Merit Award. Overall, it was a busy month and we look forward to the countdown to SLC.


Thank you to all of the Chapters who submitted their news!