Take a look at what the chapters in NORTH DAKOTA are doing this month!
Our Ashley FBLA chapter isn’t as busy in December as in other months, although we still accomplished some business that needed to get done. In the beginning of December, we had a meeting discussing Santa grams and working concessions for our school in the near month of January. We decided to sell Hershey’s kisses priced at $0.25 a piece for our Santa grams and it was a great turnout. On December 19th, Ashley FBLA members handed them out to students PreK-12 and school faculty. Everyone in the school received at least one Hershey’s kiss. They all had smiles on their faces! December was a great way to end 2024!
In December our chapter did our annual bowling trip to Glendive. We ate supper, drove around to see their city lights, and went to the bowling alley. We had so much fun and cannot wait till next year!
In the month of December our chapter hosted a soup dinner at our local Santa day. Some other things we did are had our monthly meeting and had one professional dress day.
Burke Central:
Our chapter has a busy month in December. We hosted our annual Christmas Night at the school. We have vendors that register to come in and sell their merchandise, we also had a free will soup and sandwich dinner, a cake walk, and kids activities. Our chapter is busy with setting up the event, organizing the kids activities, and cleaning up the lunch area. We also had a study night in December. We met as a chapter, had pizza and starting working on our events for state conference and our BAA’s. We had a good turnout and will host another study night in February.
In the Month of December, our chapter focused a lot of fundraising. Right at the beginning of the month, we held our annual Soup Supper before our High School Christmas Concert – this is an event where our members sign up to bring crockpots of soup, salad, and bread to serve to our community. It is always a big success! About a week later we held our American Heart Association Bake Sale after the Elementary Christmas Concert. We raised over $1,000 in less than 30 minutes! Right before our Holiday Break, all of our members began selling popcorn, which the proceeds are used to help pay for our hotel expenses at SLC. In December, our FBLA officers worked towards completing the third level of Champion Chapter. We held an officer meeting where we discussed upcoming events in January, along with finalizing State Competitive Event and registration fees. We held an all-member meeting and elected Cody Otto as our Member of the Month for all his participation and being very helpful at our fundraising events.
Des Lacs Burlington:
This month we held a bake sale on December 17th during a boys and girls basketball game. We raised $1,100 for our chapter. We also held meetings and planned our events for state and started preparing for it.
Drake Anamoose:
High School:
The Drake Anamoose FBLA Chapter has been very active in their coffee shop this month, every Wednesday and Friday! They have also been very active in the concession stand at their school’s boy’s and girl’s basketball games with FFA. The officer team also planned a Christmas Party for the school, giving out personal invites to students. They had a white elephant gift exchange, $5 dollars or less, a prize candy game, and a hot cocoa bar!
Middle School:
As usual we held our coffee shop we created the evergreen lotus. We used sparkling wine and other syrups. It will continue. We also had started planning our end of the year banquet. Mason Shuh has been the lead of that planning so far. We decided on a date for now we are willing to be adjustable. We also started concessions again with the basketball season. We have held many. We have also had our schedules for coffee shop and concessions out people have been good about working. We also had a Christmas party. We did a white elephant and an unwrap saran wrap ball game and had hot cocoa. Lots of people had attended and others not in the organization have attended for learning reasons. We had a pretty busy past month.
Glen Ullin:

In December, we held our monthly meeting where we finalized events for state conference. Students also will have an upcoming study night over the holiday break where we will work on state events and study for state tests to prepare. We are working on completing the Service Season category for Champion Chapter and continue to also work on tasks for Go for ND Gold. We held a Christmas party for members. We had pizza, a hot cocoa bar, watched the Grinch and had a gift exchange game. We also helped tag, sort and wrap gifts for Sakakawea Medical Center’s Giving Tree Project. We wrapped over 85 gifts and sorted the gifts and toiletries that will go to 33 families in our community.
This month we held our Community Service Project which was an event where we partnered with Mandan HOSA and Mandan Advanced Aquatics to teach students and teachers how to preform hands-only CPR. We also made and sold rice-krispie bars to raise money for the American Heart Association. We held our Chapter Christmas Party on Dec. 15 where we discussed the conference at Valley City, had pizza, and made gingerbread houses.
Nedrose FBLA kicked off December with a Professional Dress Day and donuts and juice on December 3rd. Next, members worked concessions on December 6th for the GBB game and again on December 13th for the Nedrose Invite GBB Tournament. In addition to our alternating weekly meetings, members prepared thank you notes to Nedrose teachers and staff, contributed to our schools food drive, and sold over 400 candy canes for our Christmas Candy Gram Fundraiser. Lastly, members volunteered at the Annual REM Christmas Dinner held at First Lutheran Church in Minot. We are looking forward to crushing more goals in 2025!
In December our chapter worked concessions at basketball games. We also did bingo games during half time in which we had high numbers of community participation. We also had 24 of our 33 members complete their BAA’s by December 20th. Some of our members also participated in our community Christmas light up night, where they helped kids make ornaments and served popcorn. Our chapter had planned to have a Christmas party with Secret Santa but do to weather we were unable to do it.
Red River:
December was a busy month for RRHS FBLA! As a chapter, we held a food drive in partnership with the Salvation Army. Also, we created dog toys for the Circle of Friends Humane Society for our community service project.
Shiloh Christian:
This month we celebrated our second annual Christmas party. We held the party over the weekend and it included many of our members being able to attend where we competed in groups to design and build gingerbread houses while enjoying food and music.
South Heart:
The members of our chapter recognized a need within our own school. As the temperature dropped, they consistently saw students who did not have warm coats. The member decided to host a coat drive for the first two week of December. All coats collected were thoroughly washed. We are working with our FFA members/Agriculture Ed. students to help us build a simple but sturdy coat rack. Once built, we will fill the rack with all of the coats we collect. An email will be sent out to our staff letting them know the location of the coat rack and to help themselves if they ever run into a student needing a coat. We received various sizes! I was so proud of the students for identifying a need, and working towards a solution!
We completed out Community Service Project! Our local chapter partnered with Eckert Youth Homes and hosted a Hygiene Drive. Through this even we were able to work on our communication and leadership skills through the event’s development in addition to giving back to our community. We were able to provide all in and out patients of Eckert with a personal Hygiene kit plus stock the in treatment facility with inventory also.
Thank you to all of the Chapters who submitted their news!
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