Take a look at what the chapters in NORTH DAKOTA are doing this month!


During December, our FBLA chapter launched one of our Christmas fundraisers, selling candy cane grams, which we distributed to all students and staff on December 21st. Additionally, we had another successful fundraiser last month, where we sold pizzas delivered this month. Our FBLA chapter members were responsible for delivering the pizzas to all buyers. At our December meeting, we discussed various topics such as the BAAs, LEADs, and scrapbook progress. We also talked about upcoming competitive events and arranged for business tours and job shadowing. Furthermore, we decided on our next work night and planned our schedule accordingly. Overall, it was a productive and successful month for our FBLA chapter.



This month, we had a Christmas party for all of the FBLA members. We also participated in the Santa vendor show and served soup at it.


Burke Central:

Burke Central FBLA had a busy December. We started the month by hosting a vendor show at our school. In addition to hosting the show, we also had a booth where we sold t-shirts, cups, and Christmas stockings. We used our Cricut to design logos for the shirts and cups and sell them to our customers. The following week, we hosted a blood drive and had over 20 donors use the Vitaliant bus to donate. We finished out the month by hosting the quarterly food truck, our members assisted by unloaded and distributing the baskets to our families. We also held a food pantry drive to gather and deliver donations to our local food pantry.


In the month of December, our chapter held an officer meeting and an all-member meeting. Our officer team awarded Emery Patzer as member of the month for his involvement in our chapter. We held a soup supper before the high school Christmas concert and raised over eight hundred dollars for our chapter. We also held our March of Dime bake sale after the elementary Christmas concert. We sold out in twenty minutes and can donate some to MOD. Our chapter is working on BAA/LEAD awards and finalizing events for SLC.


December is always a busy month for our chapter. We love doing festive things for the holiday season. To start the month, FBLA wanted a little get-together for competitive events night. We wanted our members to know what was expected of them and what they should prepare for. We also announced our annual Christmas party at this event. Since becoming president, I wanted our members to know that FBLA wasn’t just about business. It was also about growing connections and getting to know your peers. We were at the old hospital for Nerf wars for our Christmas party this year. Our members had much fun and had pizza with a Christmas raffle. To end our holiday season before the break, our chapter wanted to help our business academy with their toy drive. The holiday is only as special as you make it, so we wanted to help bring smiles to young kid’s faces on Christmas.



Divide County:

This month, most of our chapter members completed a BAA level. Our chapter officers worked on completing the tasks for Service Season and continued to work on our Go for ND Gold. Our officers also had a meeting and wrote letters of appreciation to first responders in our community.




The chapter had its monthly meeting on December 4 to start the month. At this meeting, they organized what the middle school members would do at their market day this month. They also started planning their annual lock-in event that will help members bond and grow connections. At this meeting, the members were shown what events are still open for SLC and how to prepare for them. Then, to end the meeting, the high school officers passed around a sign-up sheet for a competition they could attend at Valley City State University. During the month, our FBLA chapter’s coffee shop and concession stand were open, and we made money to help our chapter go to SLC. The coffee shop also introduced new monthly drinks and decorated a menu board to advertise. The concession stand also started selling a new coffee drink during games, which helped them gain more customers. To end the month, our members started signing the community members up for the upcoming blood drive they will help host.

Drake-Anamoose Middle School:

December has been busy for the Drake-Anamoose Middle School Chapter. On December 4th, the Drake-Anamoose Middle School chapter had a meeting with the Drake-Anamoose High School chapter. They discussed who will be going to the State Leadership Conference. The Middle School chapter hosted a market day for the community to celebrate American Enterprise Day on December 14th. In December, the chapter frequently hosted a school coffee shop and concessions at basketball games.



This past month our Edgeley FBLA chapter has been hard at work with Champion Chapter activities and starting to prepare for the state conference. We hosted a thank you note signing event for some local businesses and clubs who help improve the community and our chapter. We also toured our local butcher shop and hosted a study night to start preparing for the state.


Glen Ullin:

FBLA has done some exciting things this December! FBLA has hosted a food drive in the Glen Ullin school for each class to take part in. The class who gets the most points for what they bring in gets a prize! Everything that the students have brought to the food drive will go to the local food pantry. FBLA sponsored a coloring contest for the grades Pre-K – 12th. Finally, FBLA has organized a penny war for the whole school. All the money that went to the penny wars will be donated to Ty Giezten’s family for medical costs. The Glen Ullin FBLA would like to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2024!


Our chapter volunteered at the Sakakawea Medical Center by wrapping presents for the giving tree they host. Along with the helping of the community we hosted a Christmas party for our chapter. We had a meeting with the intent of planning for after Christmas break and future activities.



During December, our chapter spent a lot of time planning our events for the new year. We specifically hammered in on our events for SLC and tried to get our new members to complete their level of BAA, which we require to go to SLC. Towards the middle of the month, our chapter worked the concession stand as a fundraiser at the end of a varsity girls’ basketball tournament, from which we raised a decent amount of money. I sat down with our adviser over the weekend, and we completed around four Service Season tasks and planned for more in the future. When we return to school at the start of the second semester, our chapter plans to run a school supply drive to give kids who don’t have enough supplies to carry them through the second semester what they need. Finally, as a part of the tasks we finished, we wrote thank you notes to the nurses in our city and to one of our sponsors. Overall, December was relatively steady, and we hope and wish for good fortune in the new year!



We have sold bingo at every basketball game for fundraisers. We also continued to sell chocolate and jerky. For chapter improvement, we have hosted work nights to better our state projects. We hosted a Christmas party for our chapter members.


Shiloh Christian:

During December, the Shiloh FBLA focused on service! We planned an event that went on during one of our double-header basketball games. We set up a table and created Christmas cards for shut-ins. Our goal was to spread the joy of the season to all. A lot of people enjoyed doing this, and it was so fun to do. Also, in December, our club had its first professional dress-up day. We came to school wearing business attire. Overall it was a successful month for the Shiloh FBLA!

South Heart:

December has started in such a great way! Yesterday our chapter was able to tour our local Police Department to learn about all occupations available in that setting, how dispatchers spend their day, and even got to see a bunch of SWAT equipment and vehicles. Then the students loaded the bus and headed to a local organization to drop off the eight bags of adult coats we collected throughout the last few weeks. One of our chapter members, Arica Hodell, caught wind of a HUGE need in our surrounding communities for adult coats for those in need. She approached me and asked if we could do a service project to try to help with this shortage! The students helped create a flier, advertised the event, and made it come to life. It was so awesome to watch! Proud adviser!


The Stanley FBLA Chapter held our weekly meetings every Friday morning in Mrs. Evensvold’s room. We hosted a BAA work night on December 10 from 4-6 PM. We also had a Christmas party on December 7 before school. Mrs. Evensvold brought breakfast, and members played Christmas trivia for prizes. Members worked on their BAAs throughout this month and started preparing for state events. Stanley completed the activities for Service Season and is set to be a Gold Champion Chapter this year. We conducted mock interviews and had two guest speakers, and one was even a former PBL State Officer. Our five members who placed in the Business Battle Challenge received their certificates and gift cards. To wrap up the year, Stanley mailed our thank you cards to our NLC sponsors (better late than never).


Thank you to all of the Chapters who submitted their news!