Take a look at what the chapters in
NORTH DAKOTA are doing this month!

Ashley High School:

Ending off the year with FBLA activities and deliveries created a busy month! We sold fruit and pizzas in November and had our deliveries this month. On December 7th, they got delivered to the school and sorted by the members and advisors. Everyone grabbed the items that they sold and delivered them to their customers.
We also had a monthly chapter meeting in mid-December, where we checked in on our status for “Go for Gold,” candy cane sales, and the upcoming VCSU competition.
We had candy cane sales this month for the students and the faculty. Since we had that big snowstorm, the sales were delayed, but we still stayed on track. After assembling them, they were ready to be sent out to the classrooms. This activity ended our FBLA year!

Burke Central:

We started off the month with a pajama drive where we collected pajamas for Nexus Path. We collected 45 pairs and donated a book with each pair. Our chapter also hosted a Santa night were our booth sold jerky, and made custom stockings, Tee’s, and school apparel.


In the month of December, we had a bake sale during our elementary school Christmas concert to raise money for our chapter. We had our soup and salad super where some of the proceeds went to the march of dimes. We had an officer meeting where we discussed what would need to be on the agenda for the all-member meeting. We held our all-member meeting where Edyn Hoornaert was awarded member of the month. We officially completed Champion Chapter.

Central Valley:

In December, our FBLA chapter continued to meet every Tuesday to keep up with our work on chapter challenges, ND Go For Gold and preparing for SLC. As a chapter, we also worked concessions at our school to raise money for the chapter.

Dickinson High School:

In the month of December, we did a lot of amazing things. We celebrated Enterprise day by visiting local small businesses and buying items to support them. We then had a holiday drawing to give away the items to our school for supporting us. We also made thank you cards for the nursing home and veterans to improve their day. Downtown we had a Christmas vendor show, and we helped set up the decorations and led people to take pictures with Santa. We hosted competitive events nights where people picked the competition they were interested in. For the month of December, we also had a Christmas party at the bowling alley for the members. We also had a lot of meetings for team bonding and for the members to get to know each other. The business academy in the school also needed help with care packages for the homeless, so FBLA took part in the drive for supplies. December was an excellent month for us members to give back to the community and grow a relationship between the members.

Divide County:

This month Divide County FBLA kept busy. We have all been working towards our next BAA levels and our state events. The officer team has been working on champion chapter activities, and adding a few activities of their own. We sponsored a cookie and refreshment booth at our local band, choir, and art show where we also accepted donations for the American Heart Association (AHA). The AHA committee has spent a lot of time in December planning their upcoming events and fundraisers for January. The teams working on chapter events have also been hard at work to reach their deadlines this coming February. Our officer team and class representatives also participated in a Secret Santa gift exchange that proved to be lots of fun for those involved.


This month our chapter had a monthly meeting to discuss the next monthly activities. We talked about who is working the game concessions to raise money. And we also shared the coffee shop work schedule. We also planned and hosted a lock-in where members were locked in the school on December 9th and let out early afternoon on December 10th. This lock-in had games, movies, activities, a white elephant gift exchange, and more.

Our chapter has also started getting more and more prepared for the SLC event that will occur in the next few months. We have also planned to have a get-together among members to finish up on BAAs, LEADs, and event preparation.

Drake-Anamoose middle school:

During the month of December our chapter has a Christmas party lock-in/meeting where we did numerous things. One of the things we did was listen to a presentation put on by our chapter president Kaidence Hase. The presentation was about Servant Leadership. We also did a chopped competition where we split into teams and had to create a dish off of random food that the judges picked out. The last thing we did was a relay race with the same teams from before. After that we went to sleep and the next morning the coffee shop was open and we went home.


In December, we begin to look more closely at the status of our program of work progress. The weather was a complication, but we were able to work around some of the snow days. The weather actually provided our club with an opportunity to complete some volunteer work by helping shovel snow. On December 17th, we planned a study night to work on some competitive projects and Business Achievement Awards. This also gave us a chance to enjoy some pizza and chips while we worked.

Glen Ullin:

Unfortunately, many of our plans for our FBLA chapter were canceled due to the weather in December. However, we were able to organize and hold a “penny war” to benefit a student in our school and help said student’s family with medical expenses. We had each class decorate their jar and place them in front of our school. Each class battled to see who could win the most points: pennies and dollars being positive points and silver coins being negative points. Each coin was worth its actual value, positive or negative. For example, pennies were worth +1 point, and quarters were worth -25 points. We collected $920.00, and the winning class received a prize! We hope everyone has a happy new year!

Grand Forks Central:

In the month of December, GFC FBLA held our annual Walk-A-Thon for March of Dimes and American Heart Association. We raised over $400 this year for the two organizations, which was a big improvement from last year!

We also held an FBLA/DECA Christmas Party where we had fun games, treats, and even had a visit from our schools principal!


Our chapter has been busy fundraising in this month of December. We worked 2 concessions, bingo at basketball games and selling chocolate. We have also did some community service projects and these include working Santa Saturday and the food pantry. Santa Saturday is when little kids get to go shopping for little presents that are only a dollar. we were gonna have a chapter Christmas party, but due to the snow storm we weren’t able to do that.

Stanley High School:

December’s plans were cut short, postponed, and then canceled due to the winter storm that shut down the entire state. However, our chapter still met at the beginning of the month and started selling suckers again in Mrs. Evensvold’s classroom. Students started picking events for State and members continued working on their BAAs.


Due to snow storms, our chapter and school had an extremely unpredictable month in December. Because of several last-minute snow days, our plans for our FBLA chapter had to be postponed. We had planned to host a school-wide day of service in collaboration with several other clubs in our school, including FFA and the student council. Of course, we plan to pick this up again as soon as possible, as we are all very excited to host this event. Weather permitting, our day of service will include shoveling driveways, making personal hygiene kits to donate, cleaning our local fire department, and a few new ideas we hope to incorporate.


Thank you to all of the Chapters who submitted their news!