Take a look at what the chapters in NORTH DAKOTA are doing this month!


In August, our new officer team met before school started to prepare for the upcoming year. They created a program of work, planned out our interest meeting, designed our FBLA t-shirts for members, and discussed their individual roles and duties. The first week of school, our officers and existing members helped spread the word about our organization and recruit new members. The second week is when we held our interest meeting. At our interest meeting, Mrs. Skytland and our officer team introduced themselves, talked about their favorite parts of FBLA and how it has benefitted them, and gave an overview of what our chapter does in our school and community throughout the school year. We ended our meeting announcing a fun contest members could participate in called Find Our Officers’ Selfies. Our officer team hid funny selfies around the school and members that found the picture and handed it in to Mrs. Skytland received a point towards their state participation and a prize. Our chapter also began working on Champion Chapter activities due in September.


High School:

To start off this new and exciting year we decided to work at a community event called Drake Daze and we had some of our members make and sell drinks to people on the 17th. Then on the 19th we had our very first meeting. Our FBLA 101 meeting where our officers put together a PowerPoint to show new members and people who are interested about FBLA. We now have some new members and are very excited to what the rest of this year will bring. We also opened our coffee shop back up two weeks ago with new and original drink recipes.

Middle School:

Our chapter held an FBLA 101 meeting on August 19. All the seventh grade class was invited to attend this meeting to learn about FBLA. 17 Middle schoolers attended the meeting. We served tacos for supper. We had a great turn out for the meeting!
Our secretary, Eden Mayer trained all of the new members how to work in the coffee shop. We learned how to make blended drinks, Lotus’s, and hot drinks.

 Our chapter held a middle school meeting during lunch, and elected our middle school officers. we elected our social media (Ella Isaak), reporter (Tiegan Fugere), and vice president (Quincy Bruner), president (AJ Hager), Secretary (Eden Mayer), and Treasure (Greyson Becker).


This month our chapter held a membership drive where we had a meeting to explain what FBLA is and why people should join/rejoin. We also put FBLA magnets on every ones locker to encourage them to join. Our chapter also served at a girls golf meet in Edgeley last Thursday for a fundraiser for fall leadership.

Glen Ullin:

The Glen Ullin FBLA 2024-2025 is up and running with our new officers. We have had our officer training and our first meeting to work on our campaign for members! We have set our first member meeting and we look forward to a great year. We have several events planned including the American Heart Association training and fundraising.


Hatton/Northwood FBLA:

We had 2 officer training meetings.
Created our Program of Work and it’s ready for submission for Champion Chapter.
We have 10 out of the 12 Summer Starter requirements completed. We will have all of them completed by the submission date.
We had a recruitment meeting and had 10 new members in High School so far.
Goals for the year have been set.
Have our Community Service Project idea and chair people
Have an idea for Project Awareness working on chair people
Started on the American Enterprise Project and the chairmen are busy working on it.
We have members that committed to doing the Business Financial Planning, Scrapbook
During our officer training meeting, we came up with goals for the year, what to do for the Community Service Project, recruitment meeting ideas, and worked on the Champion chapter.
Created a recruitment PowerPoint to Dare to Dream~Dare to Lead and presented it to prospective members at our Recruitment Meeting
Delivered our Sports Calendars around 40 of them.
Registered 15 teams for the Stock Market Game.


Larimore Middle and High School:

This month our chapter officers met to plan out our chapter’s fall activities. Our officers discussed what our chapter would require its members to do to compete at state, they discussed fall fundraising and fall school and community projects. Our chapter then held their first chapter meeting to explain upcoming events and requirements for state. We began fundraising through concessions at home volleyball and football games. Finally, some our members volunteered at our local food pantry. We organized clothing into different sizes and seasons, so people could easily find what they were looking for.


Our chapter is in back-to-school mode. We are hosting our first general membership meeting on Tuesday, September 10.
We’ve recapped our Nationals trip with each of our competitors and went over their results from NLC.

May-Port CG:

Our chapter kicked off this month by getting hard to work. Our officer team had our annual officer training where we discussed our roles and plans for this year. As a team we completed our FBLA bulletin board filling it with memories from last year and announcements of this upcoming month. We also created two new programs as a chapter, we created our own chapter member of the month and our own chapter business of the month. The chapter of the month will help to bring more recognition to our local members and the business of the month will highlight businesses in the May-Port CG area. We also kicked off our first recruiting activity which was a movie night at the local Delchar Theater. The movie Twisters, was played and anyone in grades 7-12 could come and watch it for free. We also went through the process of picking out and designing a t-shirt that fits perfectly for our chapter.

New Rockford-Sheyenne School:

We had an informational meeting and discussed the ND Fall Conference.

Ray High School FBLA:

Ray FBLA started out the school year by reaching out to nearby business in order to create a partnership with them. This partnership would consist of Ray FBLA advertising for the businesses while the business would provide a financial donation to help fund events.

The officers then planned out a “rush week” to try inform students about FBLA and get them interested in joining. The rush week consisted of games, an informational board, and ended with an informational meeting for prospective members.

In two weeks, the members were able to sell out of a sports betting pool fundraiser based on NFL Monday Night Football games.



The Stanley FBLA chapter made a triumphant start to the 2024-2025 academic year, launching a successful and exciting season with a strong foundation for growth and achievement. Officers gathered at Mrs. Evensvold’s home to strategize the upcoming year’s activities. They reviewed the Champion Chapter items to ensure all possible activities would be completed. Additionally, the officers established expectations for the year and initially identified two main goals, which were later expanded to three.

In August, our FBLA chapter organized two meetings. The initial gathering was advertised by our Chapter Presidents, who distributed candy during Junior High lunch along with stickers that displayed the meeting’s date and time. This year, our chapter is using Heja for all communications, and it’s an excellent app for scheduling meeting dates and times.

Our chapter kicked off the school year with impressive fundraising initiatives. This month, we operated our popular lemonade stand, The Little Lemon, three times on August 1, 18, and 30. Additionally, Stanley FBLA ensured that the snack vending machine was well-stocked and prepared for the first day of school

Surrey School FBLA:

We have a brand new FBLA organization and have opened a school store! The Mustang Market started on the first day of school and offers USDA-approved healthy snacks to students at certain times of the day. Our group is excited to operate the store and will use the profits to fund our FBLA conferences.

Williston High School:

Mrs. Otis participated in a webinar with the Red Cross representative to help aide in the progress of our CERP’s. School began and we had our first officers meeting. On August 28th was our Activities fair and we set up a table for FBLA to recruit new members. We had over 60 students sign up but will have our first official meeting 9/12 to see how many of those show and pay their registration fees.


This month our chapter officer team met for a training and planning session in which we discussed officer specific duties and responsibilities, along with the Program of Work. The following week we had membership recruitment meeting/activity where we served pizza to new and returning members. We also set the amount owed for dues and began to collect them.

Thank you to all of the Chapters who submitted their news!