Take a look at what the chapters in
NORTH DAKOTA are doing this month!


This summer seven of our members enjoyed attending the National Leadership Conference in June. More recently, this August the Bowbells FBLA members have worked hard to sell peaches as a fundraiser for their chapter. Members also held a meeting to discuss plans for this year’s FBLA goals and fundraisers.


The Drake-Anamoose FBLA chapter started FBLA off with a FBLA 101 meeting. We placed flyers around the school to inform the students of an upcoming meeting to attend if you are interested in joining FBLA. There were 25 students at the meeting and they were told all the information and fun activities in FBLA.

The chapter also discussed all of our fundraisers we will have this year. Two of the biggest ones we got set up are our coffee shop that is open on Wednesday at lunch, and Friday before school. Another fundraiser is selling soda, candy, popcorn, and a selected coffee shop drink at all school games in the school.

May-Port CG:

During the month of August, the May-Port CG Officers held a kick off meeting to organize for the upcoming membership year. The first task was to swear in our officers which was followed by officer binders being distributed and breakfast.
Officers planned fundraising activities (BINGO at sporting events, Raffle Tickets, Haunted House, Concessions, Beef Stick Sales, and a school dance), chapter events (Bowling, Suite Shots Golf, Movie) and goal setting.
We also planned our first chapter informational meeting which will be held on September 7th for all of our 7-12 grade students.


The month of August was a great, progressive start to the year. The chapter wished new advisor, Sydnee Anderson (a former state FBLA president) a warm welcome! We met August 24th to discuss this year’s goals and elect the new officer team. The chapter gained new and returning members! On August 30th, the chapter sold baked goods at a home volleyball game. The Mott-Regent chapter met again on August 31st. At this meeting, we talked about more potential fundraisers and FLC. The idea of chapter t-shirts, with the new logo, was brought to attention. All members approved. Mott-Regent FBLA is looking forward to a fun, safe, and productive year!


Our FBLA Chapter has been in full swing! We have had our first meeting, already getting going on fundraising and chapter activities! One of our favorite fundraisers we do is the football booklets! These booklets let anyone who buys one get a chance to win money just by enjoying a Monday night NFL football game! We have a bunch of new ideas for this year, we can’t wait to kick start the process of the official 2022-2023 FBLA school year!


Stanley FBLA held their first meeting of the year August 23 during 8th hour Advisory. Some officer positions were already decided and the rest of the officer positions were voted on by members for both high school and Middle Level members.

An officer meeting was held August 30 before school. Officers shared their goal for the year of qualifying for NLC. We set chapter goals for the year and made plans for September and early October. Our next chapter meeting is set for September 2.

Thank you to all of the Chapters who submitted their news!