North Dakota FBLA Collegiate Update!


Hello FBLA Collegiate members, advisers, and friends!  It is my pleasure to bring you the first of many monthly FBLA news updates from the State Office.  This month, I’m going to give you a little bit of an overview of some things to expect from FBLA Collegiate the year. 

                First, the membership theme this year is “Together We Achieve.”  Following the same trend as last year’s theme “One Association: For Service, Progress, and Education,” collaboration is key throughout life, and FBLA is no exception.  Keep this in mind throughout the year, and we will go far, whether we’re at ND FBLA Collegiate’s State Leadership Conference in Bismarck or the National Leadership Conference in Orlando, Florida.  Let’s all work together as we strive to achieve great things this year! 

                Second, a new FBLA year means a new chance to complete a level of the Excellence Award!  For those who are unfamiliar with the Excellence Award, it is a set of activities that help you to learn “critical skills needed to succeed in the workforce.”  You will watch a few videos, answer some questions, and even interact with other FBLA members across the nation as they complete their Excellence Awards.  We at the State Office can’t wait to get started with ours.  This year, I will be going for the Silver Award, and Alec and Hailey will be going for the Bronze Award.  We hope that you will take up the challenge of the Excellence Award and join us on this journey! 

                Last, I just want to let you know that this year in FBLA will be great.  Alec, Hailey, and I have been – and will continue to be – working hard to bring you the best experience possible.  But remember, in FBLA, as in many aspects of life, you get out what you put in.  So, I encourage you to join us in putting in the work to make this a great year: complete an Excellence Award, do a chapter service project, or even just get more involved with your chapter.  When we work together, as FBLA Collegiate members, there are no limits to what we can achieve. 

-Mason Lemer
ND FBLA Collegiate State President