Take a look at what the chapters in
North Dakota are doing this month!


The 2021 -2022 FBLA year began for Divide County members, in August, by providing support and assistance to community activities. Members helped with the Annual Divide County Threshing Bee by serving the Threshing Meal for attendees. They helped the caterer set up, serve and clean up during the Friday and Saturday noon meals. Members also helped with the Crosby Chamber Summer Bash by selling tickets for the kiddie games and dunking booth which was the same weekend as the threshing bee.


This month we held an introduction meeting for our new and old members to attend. There we explained all about what FBLA is and what we do. We have opened our coffee shop back up and it is open on Friday morning and Wednesday at noon.


FBLA officers met to discuss our requirements for Chapter Members who have the goal of attending the 2022 SLC. Members will be required to work on a chapter project, earn fundraising points and earn a level of BAA or Lead. Officers are required to report to the Chapter Advisor’s room to work on their responsibilities as officers. Recruitment of new members was done by word-of-mouth. We are planning a free soft-serve ice cream event for October. The soft-serve ice cream will be given to all students at Larimore High School following our lunches.


The MPCG FBLA Chapter had a busy August preparing for the return of the new school year and new membership year. Local officers held a work day at the school with Advisers Mr. Torgeson and Mrs. Strand to help build the expectations for the upcoming membership year. Officers created their Program of Work and also discussed fundraising ideas for the year. The first meeting was also planned and set up. The officers created the agenda and Mr. Torgeson and Mrs. Strand were designated to be in charge of the food for the first meeting (Popcorn and Disney Dole Whip!!). The chapter is once again selling Country Meats Beef Sticks.


We had a busy month at Mott Regent High School! We’re all back in the classroom and working on these items!

1.) Recruitment drive/Locker decorations
2.) Chapter Breakfast 8/25
3.) Chapter Officer Elections
4.) Chapter Meeting & FLC information out to members
5.) Pizza Fundraiser began and runs through September 26th
6.) 50/50 ticket fundraiser at football game on 8/20
7.) Started an FBLA-ML chapter
8.) FBLA sponsored blood drive scheduled for October


The Rugby High School FBLA chapter held a back to school “Fun Night” on Thursday, September 2, 2021. All students in grades 7-12 were invited for free popcorn, root beer floats for $1.00 and and a chance to sign up for $100 worth of door prizes. Students then had a choice to either watch a movie in the library or play a variety of games in the commons area. Lawn Jenga, chess, Yahtzee, Scrabble, Dominos, card games and several other games were also played. A table was displayed with FBLA recruitment information and membership applications. A great time was had by all who attended!

Thank you to all of the Chapters who submitted their news!