ke a look at what the chapters in NORTH DAKOTA are doing this month!


Our team had a strong start to the year by attending a business tour at Valley Plains Equipment. We explored exciting job opportunities and scholarship information, and even had a dress up day! We also worked hard to finish BAA’s and select our competitive events during a productive work night on January 12th. One of our members had the chance to observe a colonoscopy through a job shadowing opportunity. During our monthly meeting on January 25th, we went over state events criteria and organized an American Heart Association Fundraiser. To make things interesting, we decided on a coin war between the elementary and high school classes. The winner will receive either an ice cream party or a pizza party.



This month we had a professional dress day. We also hosted a concession for the boy’s basketball team. Then 4 of our members went to Valley City for the Emerging Leaders Competition and some of these members placed. Mya Woodbeck got second in Impromptu Speaking and second in Business Communications and Cambry Ankenbauer got third in Impromptu Speaking.

Burke Central:

January was a quieter month for us. We worked on selecting our activities and dress up days for FBLA week. We spent time selecting our events for state leadership conference and worked on activities for service season. Many chapter members worked hard to complete their BAA’s. We are in charge of the hallway bulletin board for February so we planned out our board. We are excited to celebrate FBLA week and study for state.


In the month of January, our chapter really focused on our state events. We held an officer meeting to go over events and upcoming fundraisers and discuss Go for Gold activities, as well as Champion Chapter activities. At our all member meeting, we spent the majority of our time finalizing our competitive events and discussing SLC details. Our chapter also wrapped up our popcorn fundraiser, which was a big success. Kelsi Neuman was awarded our member of the month. We are excited that SLC is only two months away!

Central Valley:

In January we kicked into the next gear on preparing for our 2023 State Leadership Conference in Bismarck from March 24th to the 26th. At this time, we also have all 16 of our chapter members intending to go and signed up through Blue Panda. In February, we intend to tour Degelman in Hillsboro to get a tour and learn details of that manufacturing industry and the ins and outs of a workplace like theirs. We also made it a point of emphasis to start earlier in preparing our CTE Celebration tasks and started divvying them out. We also now know all participant’s intended events and will be practicing, studying, and completing the necessary projects. Attached is a photo from our December bake sale, where we raised over $600!

Divide County:

January was a very busy month for Divide County FBLA! During the month of January, we hosted our community clothing drive that we have been planning for our community service project. Lots of clothes were donated and the whole chapter was involved in sorting and organizing the clothes. Members sold pizza as a fundraiser for SLC. Our chapter also did a 50/50 raffle for a fundraiser at a basketball game to help raise money for the state conference. DC FBLA members finished up chapter projects and had a work night to work on competitive events. Our officers had a meeting this month and we also had an all member meeting to talk about upcoming work nights and preparation for the state conference. Members were also busy working on Champion Chapter tasks as well as planning what activities our chapter would participate in for FBLA week.



The Drake-Anamoose Middle School FBLA Chapter had a slow month this January. Its members work coffee shop every Wednesday and few worked early Friday mornings with the high school this month. During school basketball games our members worked concessions and learned how to do various things including how to make drinks, popcorn, how to work with a team, and how to break change. 

Glen Ullin:

The Glen Ullin chapter has spent the month finishing up their BAAs and choosing our competitive events. We are planning our FBLA week and getting our fundraising items ready for the American Heart Association. Liz Bachler was awarded the Member of the Month. Our monthly meeting was held and our groups planned on their stock market, Virtual Business Challenge, and LifeSmarts teams.

Grand Forks Central:

The month of January was a a month of preparing for the State Leadership Conference. Students met to discuss topics, create teams, and choose what they will be competing in for the big competition in March. We also submitted our donations to March of Dimes and American Heart Association. Chapter officers met to discuss FBLA Week and when what we will do to celebrate the week.  


This past January we had a busy month prepping for the State Leadership Conference. We held four worknights where members were able to continue to work on their events for State. We also worked on our game plan for FBLA Week in February. We are looking forward to that! We finalized some items for a March of Dimes fundraiser which we will be having during our annual Blizzard Ball formal. We also came up with our game plan for fundraising to alleviate some of the costs for State. It was a quick January for Hillsboro FBLA! 


Our Chapter has completed working on BAA’s/LEAD levels. We recently completed concessions for the 15-team Invitational Tournament. Our Chapter designed and printed raffle tickets for the LHS Trap Team. Posters have been designed and printed for the Larimore Park Board movies that will be shown at the Avalon. An ice cream fundraiser has also been completed for March of Dimes. We raised $280 from soft-serve ice cream sales. 

May-Port CG:

For the month of January, our chapter was pretty busy. We held our monthly chapter meeting the first week of the month. There we discussed our upcoming events. First our trip to Valley City at the end of the month, and our raffle ticket drawing that the president did the previous Friday. This was also our first meeting of this year which marked the time for us to begin diving hard into test and project planning for the state conference. The day after our monthly meeting we had all of our members professionally dress up for the school day.

At the end of the month we had our chapter take a trip down to Valley City on Emerging Leader Day. We had a total of 32 members attend the competition that day. We had four members who participated in the quiz bowl and took 3rd place. We had a member take 2nd on his Computer Problem Solving test. We also had a pair of students place 1st in Sports and Entertainment Imprompt to Speaking. This was an excellent outcome to encourage our younger members to participate in this day in the future.

Mott Regent:

January was a busy month for the Mott-Regent FBLA chapter! We had a chapter meeting. At this, we discussed several matters. Among the topics was preparing for SLC by finalizing choices of events and studying for them. We also discussed our commitment to help at an upcoming local event the beginning of February. This will be the second year that our chapter has came together to serve dinner to attendees at the Winterball put on by the local soil conservation district. Another idea that was talked about at the meeting was the potential to have an Easter Kuchen fundraiser. This proposal was faved by many. We also discussed and decided to sell suckers the week of Valentine’s Day once again this year. We are looking forward to all of these upcoming events!


As our chapter approached the New Year, we opened with a Chapter Work Day on the 14th. Here, we discussed our plans for the rest of that month, along with dates and events for February and March. We started our goals towards CTE Celebration and have confirmed that we will, if we finish the tasks we have already started, achieve gold status for the second year in a row. Along with that, towards the end of the month, we hosted a Professional Dress Day and a morning chapter meeting on January 30th. We submitted our dues and had 4 new members complete their BAA’s to increase our membership. The following day, January 31st, myself and one other chapter member went with our adviser to compete in the Emerging Leaders Competition hosted at Valley City Campus. Here, I placed first in the impromptu event, and we all learned wonderful things from the other events we competed in.


This month our chapter was very busy with many activities and events. Our chapter hosted a food drive at a basketball game, and accumulated over 70 lbs of food. We have also been very busy planning our yearly FBLA community carnival. We have also been doing bingo at basketball games to help raise money for individual and chapter funds.

South Heart:

Sunday, January 21 our school hosted Donkey Basketball. This is a huge event for our school that occurs every three years. Our FBLA chapter hosted the “Kiss the Donkey” Fundraiser. This fundraiser was a huge hit! Our members selected five staff members who would be in the running to Kiss the Donkey at halftime of the games. We then promoted our fundraiser on social media and word of mouth encouraging people to place money into the jar of the person they wanted to see kiss the donkey. We even had a member, Deilya Bach, sit at the front office for two weeks leading up to the event encouraging people to place money in the jars. The staff member who raised the most money won (it was our Elementary Principal)! It was so fun to see the students encourage their friends to take part in this activity. Not only did it help our chapter by raising funds, but it brought awareness to what FBLA is and allowed to get our name out during a very busy and fun day!


Kayla Otis became organization adviser. We actively recruited new chapter members. We held 2 meetings regarding what is FBLA and solidifying enrollment.  New members started picking State Events to compete in. Williston Chamber of Commerce Anna Nelson came in for a meeting to discuss Basic Robert’s Rules of Order.


After having our monthly meeting and finalizing our choices in competitions, we began to prepare for our state contests by practicing with our teams and working individually with tests and presentations. We also started to plan and prepare for FBLA week by creating a committee to make decisions for that week. The committee has met twice so far and plans to meet again at least 1 more time to discuss the events for that week and get our ideas approved by the school administration. During FBLA week, we hope to raise a sizeable amount of money for the American Heart Association to show our support and appreciation for their organization Our chapter has also submitted several forms and documents for SLC as we look forward to the conference.

Thank you to all of the Chapters who submitted their news!